How to Kick a Rugby Ball | @rugbybricks Ball Set Up Tip

Here is your Rugby Bricks Kicking Tee Range:

Rugby Bricks Kicking Journal:

Part 3/5 While different to every player, in my mind the perfect ball set up will:

1, Create the same ball flight every kick –with a slow consistent backspin.
2, expose the sweet spot on the ball Belly or closer to the point.
3, Use a balanced tee ensuring perfect placement every kick.
4, Look perfect to you when looking from your approach.
To the general public watching a rugby game it looks like kickers just pop the ball on the tee and kick it. As kickers we know it’s not that simple.

With today’s range of different rugby balls, there’s huge variety of ball flights, sweet spots and set up preferences. Treat your ball set up like a task that can be done perfectly.
Don’t allow yourself to even start stepping back until it’s perfect.

Here is your Rugby Bricks Kicking Tee Range:

Rugby Bricks Kicking Journal: