The takeaway is the start to the backswing. Here are 2 great takeaway drills you can be doing so can develop a perfect backswing position at the top.

The takeaway is the start to the backswing. It should maek sense that if you start back right you will be in a more perfect backswing position at the top. This is because starting back wrong gets you out of position. If you are out of position you will have to have flaws or compensations to get to the top. The more flaws or compensations you have, the more you have to practice to time them.

Most people don’t have a lot of time to practice their golf swing. So if you can do these takeaway drills it will help you build a perfect top of the backswing position reducing the flaws making it easier to get to impact with both irons and driver.

Give these 2 takeaway drills a try the next time you are at the range and see how it helps you get into the perfect top of the backswing position.

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