Plantar Fasciitis discussion with Luke Nelson

Episode 87 is an interview and discussion with Luke Nelson, chiropractor at Health and High Performance. In this episode we discuss the issue that many runners face; Plantar Fasciitis, or PF. This is the second in what is a series of interviews related to the injuries runners face. I am sure you will find this series extremely helpful!
If you are like the majority of runners, you may feel like you are constantly beset with niggles (a euphemism for injuries!!) that take away from your joy of running. As you can tell form these podcasts, Luke is extremely knowledgeable about the issues runners face. He will help you get back to running your best, if not better. Luke treats the root of the problem, not just the symptoms. So, if you’re sick of niggles, come in and see the specialists at Health and High Performance where they utilise the latest in technology, and experience, to help you get back to your running best. Head to to book an appointment and ensure you can run strong and free! You can also find them on instagram: HealthHighPerformance
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If you find that post-lockdown, your training lacks structure and focus, email me . I can help you with a structured, individualised plan that takes into account your life and your running needs.

Enjoy the interview with Luke!