Cobe Life on the course

Scarlett Woods Golf course

Calculated risk taken on Scarlett Woods 12th Hole

In this episode of Cobe Life on the course I show you a situation that requires me to chose between a risky shot that could get redirected by trees, or hit a safe low punch under the trouble.

If you follow my channel you will be well aware that more often than not I choose the safe route. This is one of the rare occasions that I chose the risky approach. Actually given the situation there really wasn’t a choice. If I had chosen to hit the low punch it was highly unlikely that I would have reached the Green. That would have left me a potentially tricky Pitch shot into the Green. If I were to execute it well I could potentially get up and down for Par. The risky route provided me with the potential to reach the Green in Regulation, and have a Putt for Birdie. If my shot did deflect off the overhanging tree branches. Worst case scenario I just have another full Wedge possibly into the Green. I could then potentially 1 Putt for Par, but most likely walk away with a Bogey. Bogey is also a possibility if I chose the safe route. Therefore the Risky route’s chance at Birdie best case, and Bogey worst case, is far better than the Safe route’s chance at Par best case, and Bogey worst case.

I make calculations like this one constantly on the golf course, and it’s extremely satisfying when the math works out like it did this time.

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