Do This, When Your Loved Ones Won’t Support You – Episode 50

So many of you ask me this question: how do I cope when my nearest and dearest won’t support me? Well, my lovelies, I’ve been there, bought the t-shirt and planted my flag. When a girl from a working class family in Belfast decides she’s going to stand on stage and strike a pose that her relatives consider should only be seen in a porn mag, how much support do you suppose she gets? That’s right, zero. So how did I cope? And how can you deal with the same situation, whether it’s your health & fitness, your personal life, or your business life? Plug in and listen up.

𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐍 to the full podcast episode here:

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Have you been thinking of going vegan but wondering how you’ll get enough protein in your diet? Or maybe you’ve just been wondering what the heck to eat, if you’re not cooking chicken and lean fish for protein. Let me be your guide! I’ll show you the right steps on how to ensure you’re getting ALL the nutrients you need to sculpt muscle and burn fat as well as basically saving the planet.

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