SIMPLE TIP to Help IMPROVE GRIP -Nike Junior Golf Camps

Playing great golf starts with a good grip. Here is a tip to help.

Presented by our National Director of Golf, Jeff Ritter.

Playing great golf starts with a good grip. Here is a tip to help.

Always start by taking your grip with your lead handed club next to your lead leg. When you do this you will notice that the lead hand turns a little bit away from the target. The club will cradle nicely in your fingers, and the heal pad will sit on top of the grip. From here all I want you to do is to tap the club head up and down a couple times, making sure your hold is secure and that you have a nice range of motion in the wrist.

Now go ahead and take that palm of the trailing hand and cover that lead thumb up. Then find the connection between your fingers that feels the best for you. Now you are good to go!

Golf is all about distance and accuracy and that starts with the proper grip. Remember this little procedure to start each shot, and you will be on your way to playing a better game.