Youtubers Golf Rhapsody

Warning Warning Warning. Contains Adult Content, Very Strong Language and Humour that is disturbing.

Metro man Piers from Me and my Golf was struggling to correct a students slice despite achieving more distance, he tried adjusting his grip, his posture without success, andy with his dashing good looks had to come to the rescue , mean while Mark Crossfield was still harping on about strokes gained and Golf Ball spin numbers but was suffering with range anxiety , it seems his Tesla didn’t go that far enough . Rick Shiels and Pete finch continue to break advertising rules by not stating the cringeworthy golf bidder videos are paid adverts. James Robinson has Upgraded his home garden simulator to a hand knit blanket and an egg timer for a launch monitor . Pleb on golf continues to be an irritant. and the Average arsehole continues to fail at making cinematic videos.

Disclaimer, this is a parody. Its complete fiction.