Flamingo Drill Might Change Your Golf Life

Golf Coach Tony Luczak, PGA says that the flamingo drill is hands-down the best way for people to feel the proper sequence in transition. An added benefit it is also the best way to cure your weak fade or slice.

I have been doing flamingo drills for about the last month and it’s really helped me. I have also blended this with the Takeaway stuff you guys saw and the other video and I will do right hand only flamingo drills off of a tee where I am trying to hit 50 yard shots with my 54° wedge.

Tony is doing his masters thesis based on this drill. He will be testing lots of different golfers including world long drivers, tour players and all levels of amateurs hooked up to EMG sensors.

I flew to four different states over thousands of miles to film with four like minded instructors and discovered the unexpected source of golf power, it’s all in the new documentary at this website check it out. LIVE NOW!


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Sub to Tony’s Channel and Maybe we’ll get Jeff Flagg to come on BBG