GoPro's Latest Update Changes Everything | Action Sports Will Never Be the Same | GoPro Labs

In case you have been busy paying attention to other things GoPro just released a big update to their flagship model. Check out their news release below:

(full list of links at the bottom)

This update also forms the creation of a new division: GoPro Labs. As the name suggests, this focuses on “experimental” features which have probably been created in spite of what had been originally intended, and have been developed through in house “hackathons”.

Basically, it’s all the things that they figured out: “Cool, we can do this.”

How Does It Work?

First you have to update your GoPro so it can read QR Codes, check links below for update or check via GoPro’s website. There is detailed explanation (including annotated diagrams (everyone’s favorite)) to help you with the update.

Once the update is finished your GoPro is now reading QR codes at a ninth grade level. The GoPro Labs website allows you to create custom setting that produces a QR your camera can read.

What are the New Features? (In no particular order)
– Motion Detection
– Velocity Detection – when move the camera it turns on
– Custom QR Camera Setting (surprisingly useful)
– Auto Sunrise/ Sunrise Timelapse
– Multi Day Timelapse
– Personalised Start-Up Screen
– Precise Date & Time
– 12GB Filesize
– Burn In Overlays
– Optimization of Reel Steady App (a paid-for app that stabilizes footage, cool product, story and future, check them out

Why Get It?

There are some many great uses in sports for these updates

Motion Detection
Session a box snowboarding and only get the clips where riding.
Multi Camera Setup to record a “line” through the park or woods, this way you can have as many cameras as you want as there is no extra footage to edit.

Velocity Detection
Get all the riding and none of the stopping, automatically turns off when you stop and back on when you start moving. You can also add a “hold” time.

Personalized QR Codes

Get this: Never take off your gloves again to change GoPro Settings!!! (Enter OMG meme). If you have 2 or 3 GoPro setting that you use get a laminate print out or a sticker made, or something, and when you need to change simply point the camera at the sticker. For me this is HUGE!!!! As I often switch from superview to narrow, if i go from filming myself to filming someone else.

Some, but not all of the other features are useful… currently my startup screen reads: subscribe to andreas channel
… which is great if a little banal cause I’ve already done it, and if you haven’t you should to.

In Field Testing

It is really important to get out there and try these out! There is a learning curve but its pretty easy.

Motion Detection was a fun one to test: the sensitivity is pretty…. well, sensitive. Being aware of movement in the background (tress, traffic) as these can easily set off the recording. There is a masking feature but I haven’t figured out exactly how good it is).
Speed Activation was also sensitive, the most egregious being a slight roll at an intersection set it off. However this can be handled by adjusting the trigger speed, in this case I changed it from 1km/h to 3km/h. Although this isn’t a feature I would use often from talking with people who JUST want to capture their riding, this is the perfect app.

The whole thing takes a while to get used to and due to it’s “experimental” nature it’s not the smoothest process but eventually I got everything working.

I hope you enjoyed this video, if you did remember sharing is caring! If you have questions, tips, or things you have noticed about this new update please leave them below and have an awesome day!

– There are a few minor features and bits not included, have a good luck through the info as you can (potentially) get really creative with this

Personalised Start Up Screen (
Precise Date & Time (
QR Control Customiser (

GoPro Labs Launch:
GoPro Labs:

#goprolabs #gopro8 #goproupdate