Golf Swing: Learn The Waggle

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I have always been a very big proponent of staying loose when you hit the golf ball. This means that you want to be relaxed when you set up to hit the golf ball and this is what the waggle is for. You will see all top golfers and tour players have some kind of waggle before they hit a golf ball. This is just another way of staying loose.

When you take your address to hit the golf ball, you want to just hinge and re-hinge your golf club a few times. The amount of times depends on you. I see a lot of golfers that start to tense up before hitting their ball. This is just because they don’t really know what to do next.

If you do not do this, then start with a simple waggle, something that just hinges up and back like I have shown in this video. Try to get all of that tension out of your arms and shoulders when you are setting up to hit your next shot. Do this and you will find that the looser you start to get then the longer you will hit your golf ball.

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