Jesse Frank – WIND TUNNEL SCIENCE | Smart Athlete Podcast Ep. 55

Today’s guest is triathlete and Human Performance Engineer at specialized, Jesse Frank.

We talk about all of the work he’s doing at specialized in the wind tunnel. Optimizing people’s aerodynamic position and now starting to work on thermodynamic performance of apparel.

Jesse tells me about group rides at Specialized with his co-workers as well as the advantages of drafting off another cyclist.

I ask Jesse about the things that affect us the most when we’re trying to set up a really aerodynamic time trial position.

Since he lives in Santa Cruz we commiserate over each of our own Santa Cruz 70.3 experiences.

If you’ve been out running or cycling for any amount of time you’ve probably been yelled at. Recently Jesse had such an experience so we talk about how to deal with people that yell or cuss at us while we’re out working out.

Jesse tells me about why we’ve seen golf ball dimples be removed from bicycles, but is now appearing on clothing.

Before rounding out our conversation we talk about the other Jesse, Jesse Thomas, in the mix and my misremembering him wearing a wetsuit on a bike during a race (sorry Matt!).