Bryn Parry interview: Golf psychology strategies of Tour Champions

Bryn Parry defended his Quebec PGA $150,000 Rogers Canada Cup title earlier this month taking the $30,000 first prize for a second time. He has been a prominent player on the Vancouver Golf Tour, CPGA events, and he also had a second place finish in 2007 on the now tour.

On top of playing, Bryn is the lead instructor at the Seymour Creek Golf Center, in North Vancouver where he teaches golf to a full range of students when he isn’t playing competitively.

Bryn is a very detailed guy as you will see from our interview and although he teaches or more specifically coaches golf, he doesn’t get wrapped up in the mechanics of the golf swing. Swing mechanics are important to Bryn but not as important as thinking well about how to play the game.

He has some great strategies and coaching methods to reinforce a great mindset when you are playing. I particularly like his helicopter lesson that really puts into perspective the frame of mind needed to be focused on each individual shot. It is a powerful analogy.

Bryn is his own best student when it comes to playing golf and his results speak for themselves. His preparation for an event, his attitude, and his expectations of success are only a few of the gems that come out of our discussion.

Bryn Parry just “get’s it” when it comes to golf psychology and when you combine Bryn’s strength as a player with his approach to coaching golf, he seems to have a well-rounded ability to explain in understandable terms, how to play this game…..and play it well.

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Golf psychology
mental strategy
game plan
course strategy
course management
self talk
pre-shot routine
golf confidence