Simple Drill Fixes Tons of Swing Flaws

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In this video I want to show you a simple drill for you to work on to fix certain flaws in your golf swing, like the chicken wing or a flying elbow. You want to check out your golf swing to see if you have any of these things wring in your golf swing. You want to have good positioning with your arms throughout the golf swing.

Into your back swing if you have a couple of these flaws then you want to feel like your elbow is pointing down. This will help with the correct position with your arms going back. Not in your through swing if you have something like a chicken wing, which I see a lot of amateurs have in their golf swing then you want to be working on this part also.

This is such a simple drill you want to check out and to be working on. You can be working on this at anytime. You can do things like this at your house or at the golf course and keep making sure that you are fixing any of these swing flaws in your golf swing. This is a great drill to work on all the time.

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