Going Pro: The Ban Is Lifted – Episode 10

Finally getting back to things even after a few weeks of non-golfing fun. Sorry it’s been so long between videos, but with “Crisis-Schooling” for the kiddo, keeping the bills paid and having a few moments here and there to hit balls into my backyard net (and a bit of indoor putting) I just haven’t had time to get any great quality stuff done. Even this is more of a “trying to get something new up” video, but at least it is a bit of an update on my professional journey.

I’ll definitely keep trying to step up the content throughout the next few weeks as I ramp up for my next attempt at the Playing Ability Test for the PGM Program, but I can’t make many promises as we are still suffering through school cancellations and crazy COVID-19 scheduling issues. For now, enjoy the update and I’ll see you all again soon!