Why are amateur golfers afraid of success?! If they only knew this move!!!

Why are amateur golfers afraid of success?! If they only knew this move! It would change their ball striking forever.

#golf #golfswing #golftips


  1. i tell you what… i already had 1 aha moment with one of your videos and it showed vast improvements for that night of golf. next day…nothin. But then i combined the video where you look at the ball with the shoulder mixed with not taking to club all the way backa dn almost feeling like im taking a half swing, and right away another aha moment, and some of the best iron shots ive hit. Thank you!!

  2. You are the guru, Tom. I'm 75 now and I'm concentrating taking the inside path on the backswing and keeping my weight left. This has solved my toe hit problem, although I'm also concentrating on the swing, not the hit. Great advice, may God bless you for the help you give to all of us who despair about our golf game.

  3. Trump was in Latrobe talking about Arnie's penis size ! I don't know what you can say to that except bizzare😊😊

  4. What timing, as many times recently: 'oh no, hit right over left again'. Yes, forgot the wall, and of swinging 'inside' as well (under angled stick on trail side). Tight trail arm, wt left, shortened swing, per your topnotch training allowed longest drives for me, that is.. when I did that; but, I was fighting all hands/arms swing causing turning of wrist, and yes, again, forgot the wall. Tom, thank you for clearing my mental golf fog. Robin

  5. I never started to compress the ball until I made the decision to stay on the left side. Way to go Saguto. Nice short!

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