Finally played a round without losing my ball!

3D printed a small ball stand to keep it on my desk for now.

by RavnicanDM


  1. Shanx3030

    Were you losing distance at all on drives ? Big golf wants us to believe it’s 50 yards off line and 40 yards short if you play dirty balls. I try to play a clean one, but only because of that lol

  2. ceaser1978

    Congrats! I was almost there, I lost mine yesterday on my approach on 18.

  3. doobtoob710

    had my first round without losing a ball on saturday! congrats!

  4. Perfect-Ad9637

    This is awesome. I got my first round in with the same ball a few weeks ago and was more psyched on that than any score I’ve ever posted. Congrats!

  5. Prize_Driver7757

    Perfect time to Bin that one then!!! Reckon you’ll gain 5 yards and you’ll definitely get a more consistent roll whilst putting with a new one. Always a good feeling keeping the same ball all the way rnd, keep it up 👍🏾

  6. SoChessGoes

    Congrats!! Happened to me recently and it’s such a great feeling. Here’s hoping to many more for you!

  7. Bhut_Jolokia400

    This ball looks like it’s been lost by 4 other people before it found you

  8. FireMaster2311

    I had like a record going, almost made 4 rounds in a row without losing a ball. Then i get to a par 3 13th, no hazards anywhere, just some pine trees left, i hit it into the pine trees, figure will be easy to find. Plus, I’m behind 4 different 4 somes with the group behind me just getting to the green on 10. I spent 15 to 20 minutes looking for that ball. It had to have gotten stuck in a tree as it was just an empty area, not any deep rough, and had probably just been cut. I took the penalty drop after 3 minutes, finished the hole, and went back to searching till the group behind me was hitting approach shots on 12. I figured I had put quite a bit of distance between me and the groups ahead of me but was back to waiting on 15. Then hit too much of a fade that landed on the fairway, but it was slanted down from left to right and ball rolled in the water. Then, the next day, I go out to a different course and pull a drive on 4 into this big thorn bush patch. However, while looking for my ball, I find 3 basically brand new pro v1s. That kind of made up for the 2 lost the day before and the one I didn’t find in the thorns. Also, there were 2 TP5s and 3 Chrome Tours, then on 7, go to wash my ball in one of those washers that hold 4 balls. Someone had left 2 more 2023 Pro V1xs in there. It honestly made the bad shots worth it. The golf gods giveth and they take away, though on hole 5 I found a wedge and drove up looking for the owner, it was the dude in the group right infront of us and as I’m pulling up he is about to play a bunker shot, and says “Fuck, I lost my 56°” so possibly the golf gods were happy with me. Though I didn’t play all that well, greens were freshly aerated so putting was worse, and all the shots where it was like a 10~20% chance I hit overhanging branches in hit the branch every time. Was the worst scores on the year an 86. Though still and enjoyable round, plus found 5 pro v1s, which is basically like $20 and the round was only $15 cause of the aerated greens. So net gain. Plus was kind of a funny moment, I was on 11 tee, someone on 13 hit an approach shot to far and left right to the 14 tee box, hit the one cart hard, but the one dude decided to scream “ow! Omg it split the cheeks and is stuck in my asshole ” to which the dude i was golfing with responded “Amazing hole out!”

    TLDR, next time a ball is hit near me I know what I’m going to do.

  9. GangnamApeist

    It looks like it’s already completed 10 rounds before yours 

  10. Most-Luck9724

    Yeah, doesn’t look like it was that balls first round

  11. I almost did that on 9 holes last week but I lost my drive on the last hole in the dark 😭.

  12. brandons2185

    Jesus. That balls looks like it hit every surface but grass.

  13. pandasteely

    Was that ball new when the round started? Because if it was I need more information about what you did to it lol

  14. theBigDog131313

    Lots of wedges I see!! Congrats 🎉🍾🎈🎊

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