Golf Tips

I have several things that need work on my swing but one thing I’d really like help with is my chicken wing. Do you guys have any drills to combat the dreaded chicken wing? Thanks!

Has been a swing fault of mine for too long!

by Tough-Bicycle-9815


  1. tpcrjm17

    Towel drill. It’s not for everyone but it’s probably for you.

  2. Purple_Balance_9300

    Backswing too long. Cupped left wrist at top of swing likely leaving club face open plus an out to in swing path. Shortening backswing and feeling like your left wrist is extremely bowed helped me a lot.

  3. colin_oz

    Your chicken wing is minimal. You have too much arm lift at the top. Your lead arm is above the shoulder plane, hence flying trail elbow. Maintain proximity between trail elbow and torso. Also strengthen your top hand. This will get the club on a better path and encourage better rotation. Good luck!

  4. bigmeech93

    I just saw my coach about this – not specifically the chicken wing but I’m wrapping the club a bit too much on takeaway and then I compensate by whipping my hands/wrists through at impact to negate the OTT.

    Try taking the club back straighter and your weight loading straight back vs bringing it around your back and coiling

    Does that make sense?

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