Golf Tips

Update on OTT swing

Tips were to try and
-stop having such steep club
– start shifting pressure to lead side earlier
-stop OTT

You should be able to click on my profile to see my previous post.
If you can, is there any improvement from my last swing. I know it isn’t perfect but to me I feel that it’s definitely better and more inside.
If you feel you know where I can improve please do say. All feedback welcome

by Present_Willow_1049


  1. OnTheMcFly

    I strongly suggest pointing it away from your house, especially that window. All to easy to scald under the net or even blow thru it after the netting is weakened a bit from impacts. TRUST

    As for the OTT, I feel that sharing what my PGA Pro taught me about top position will help shortcut the solution to the issue. In the practice swings, you have the clubhead out in front of you and that’s great, make sure to retain that. As for the swing plane, it’s still too low. It’s restricting the freedom you should have for the club to properly slot down on the downswing, rather then use the momentum to fling it out away from you causing that OTT you’re fighting.

    The first move to practice would be to bring the club back halfway, parallel to the ground and stop. The clubhead should be on line with the target. That proper head position you have on the takeaway is to compliment this, to not let your peripheral vision trick you. From this position, the shortcut I was taught was to bring the club to the top and hold it. Once it’s at the top, you release the hands and allow the club to fall onto whatever part of the body it’s positioned over. The club should drop between the shoulder cap and tricep. Working within this 4-5″ of space, you can allow the club to adjust lower to accomodate longer clubs. This is obviously not a universal move, it’s not something that would be dumped into pitching or bunker shots or whatever, this is for your run-of-the-mill full shots.

    Of course there was more tweaking that followed but using these two checkpoints helps to physically interpert the proper positions in a more effective way. For example, for a brief period in the beginning of using this drill, he had me drop it on my neck, which is considered a bit too high by standard practice, but it was to reinforce this change. It should be no secret by now that our practice swings do one thing and our actual shots do another, they aren’t direct representations of themselves so this was a way to dramatically tilt the scale and break my habit. Once the change set in and was starting to creep a little too close to that actual position at the top, the then altered the drill to what I’m sharing to kinda pump the brakes and not let the change go too far. These corrections and over-corrections take hundreds of shots to set in, hundreds.

  2. takeme2space

    RIP your sliding door as soon as that net gives out

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