$325 and they don’t even carry my bag?!

$325 and they don’t even carry my bag?!

by Norfolk-Gross-Tonage


  1. sarcastic_patriot

    Golf is hard enough, I don’t need to be harder.

  2. GolfGodsAreReal

    As long as they wash my balls when I’m done

  3. Pat_Mahomie

    Bali Hai? The picture on the website cracks me up cause its 2 fat old guys with the par mates. Definitely the target audience

  4. shephrrd

    Maybe just play golf and then hire an escort after? This looks dumb as fuck.

  5. Abradolf_Lincler_50

    I’m just gonna go find a cash machine

  6. Definitely created by a cart girl that was sick of all the old men

  7. Hurts-Dont-It-

    What fucking simp pays for dumb shit like this.

  8. GirthyRedEggplant

    If I wanted to golf with a six who wasn’t going to touch my wiener, I’d call my ex

  9. MonaLisaOverdrivee

    Great, I get to pay to disappoint women now

  10. HardOyler

    Golfing with some strange woman who does not give a fuck and probably thinks you’re an absolute douche does nothing for me..If you’re this hard up golf then take that money and go to the strip club or something.

  11. lawnboy22

    So dumb. However they probably have an audience in Vegas and probably costs nothing to operate as I’m sure the girls only get paid when they get booked so I understand why it’s a thing.

  12. cammigordon

    What the fuck? This seems utterly insane. You are effectively hiring an escort to spend your round with.

  13. SouthOrlandoFather

    This chics banking cleaning balls and commenting on shafts.

  14. SlickLegJohnny

    What kind of sad, rich idiots is this meant for?

  15. $100 mandatory “gratuity.” If it’s mandatory then it’s a fee, not a gratuity. So stupid.

  16. thectrain

    I got paired with guys who did this and also paid for a regular caddie. Just 3 of us golfing.

    The girls were pretty awesome and beyond just being young and attractive were pretty good energy. They would grab drinks for me when they went to grab the other guys something.

    The caddie ended up riding with me and I got pretty much a full caddie. Plus, the caddie drove me back to my hotel so I could grab my bags before my flight.

    I tipped the caddie, the girls wouldn’t let me. They just said don’t worry about it. There other guys paid enough.

    So all in all, I got a round of golf with some cool women looking after us, a caddie, and a ride back to my hotel for the price of a tip to the caddie.

    Pretty good day.

  17. EJplaystheBlues

    I want zero of these women near me while I’m golfing (I’m shy)

  18. c4x4bird

    Being that it’s in Las Vegas I assume it’s probably just strippers/escorts doing this as a day job but I could be wrong.

  19. Dibble_Dabble_Doo

    I’m gonna build my own golf course with blackjack and hookers. In fact forget about the golf course

  20. The interesting thing is in my 17 years in SE Asia all caddies I’ve had/seen are female, but they are fully knowledgeable about their course, target landing zones, yardage, etiquette, and the game of golf. You know, like a real caddy and not like a random stripper from this agency who you’re paying ridiculous money to and will probably not know the aforementioned things

    Double interestingly in my experience, caddies are usually mandatory on higher end SE Asian courses which is different than other areas

  21. mustang19671967

    I saw that years ago in Vegas . They drive the carts and won’t walk . Also you need to buy them drinks and food etc and they will want tip. The fact this exist means so many simps

  22. klondike16

    This reminds me of when my buddies paid through some company for a girl to come help us with our fantasy draft, and we definitely overpaid for the service. Best to find your own for half the cost and more lol

  23. Roadrunerboi

    It’s THB200 (USD6) on top of the usual caddy fee of THB200 in Thailand and they do DO many things including drive carts, walk, etc. Jus sayin’

  24. MarinkoAzure

    “this gratuity is not optional”

    Lol um gratuity is always optional. Otherwise it’s called a fee.

  25. No BS, I was playing in a tournament in Vegas and one of the guys I was playing with hired one. Drop dead gorgeous and dressed like you would assume. Also, read a green like a pro, clubbed the dude well, and took at least six shots of from the previous round. She said she played golf at D2 school. Definitely knew the game.

  26. Golfing-accountant

    Am I the only one pissed at the pricing model. $225 plus minimum $100 cash gratuity. Stop calling it a fucking gratuity and charge me $325 up front.

  27. TraditionPast4295

    This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen

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