Is my understanding correct here? Or totally off?

Is my understanding correct here? Or totally off?

by arvidurs


  1. arvidurs

    Hope this image explains it well enough. For a draw, I set up right to the target, and aim at the target to create a right to left path.
    For a Fade, I set up left of target and aim at the target to create a fade.
    And for a straight one, target and aim is on the same path.

    It makes sense in my head like that, but I might be totally off?

    EDIT: For a right handed player.

  2. DarthFader59

    Have you ever considered taking up art as a profession

  3. ineffablePMR

    Yep, that’s correct. To add, draws and fades are hooks and slices, but on purpose.

  4. You are missing a bunker where the ball lands

  5. bisonbuford1

    Wheres the one where it goes in the water?

  6. Any1canC00k

    Draws move back towards your body, fades fade away from your body.

  7. Prior_Gap2607

    The third one “straight” does not exist. It’s like gnomes and unicorns 😆

  8. Whiteshovel66

    The green doesn’t move based on the shot, but otherwise yes that’s right.

  9. Why are you hitting around the water when you can hit right into it?

  10. tee_rex_arms

    Most people are saying yes, but I think this is wrong. Is the pink arrow in each diagram is face direction and the brown line swing plane? If so, I would expect the ball to start on that line. You are correct that if the face is closed  relative to path (top drawing) it will draw, but I believe your starting line is wrong.

  11. eaglestyle

    Wait, you guys can aim where your ball goes?

  12. Finlay58

    If you’re really interested in pedantics, In the illustration, presuming that clubface is pointed directly at the target, the ball on the the fade would start almost completely straight, then fade right of the target (ball start line is mostly based off face angle and not club path). So you would need to close that face to get the ball to start left, so that it fades right back to target. (and therefore a slightly open face for a draw)

  13. Legal-Description483

    If the clubface is pointing at the target, the ball will start at the target and fade or draw past it.

  14. cmr11230

    I can’t give you any definitive answers because I’ve never seen a draw or straight shot before

  15. phantym03

    Im curious about this too…….but wouldn’t these balls start off at his club face direction and fade/draw twice as much as drawn here? Missing the target by a lot?

    Im still learning but wouldn’t you want face to be about halfway between path and target?

  16. the arrows should bring the ball into the water hazard otherwise looks good

  17. GOLOGamer

    I recommend Trackman University

    It’s a website from trackman where you can learn and practice exactly those kinds of things and much more

  18. h3110m0t0

    straight is straight

    Draw is like a forehand in tennis. The ball goes the way your back hand closes. So RH hitter it goes right to left. You drawing your hand/club face closed. You’re drawing the ball across your body the direction your facing.

    The fade/slice is like the slice in tennis. You fadding the club across ball. or blocking or whatever. you fading the ball away/toward the direction your facing or target.

  19. 6WavyBone9

    Usually you try and avoid hitting cuts or draws towards water but it is what it is

  20. Draw, fade, straight,… They all go in the water anyway…

  21. Kingulfet

    Draw: If the club face is square to target while the path is in to out, you will start the ball at the target and then miss left. The club face needs to be “open” to the target but still closed in relation to the path for the ball so start right and come back left.

  22. cchillur

    Yes correct assuming you’re a righty. Collin morikowa had a good draw fade video. He just adjusts ball placement and foot placement and swings along with his stance shape. 

  23. Stuntcock29

    Personally I do a different release for a draw or fade. Start right close face, start left open face release.

  24. Golf is easy. Just hit it straight every time. That’s all.

  25. sloth_jones

    People saying for a right handler can’t see the feet part of the diagram lol

  26. fourpuns

    For realism I’d change the draw and fade to both be going into the lake.

  27. Environmental-Sail79

    If you headed straight, there will never be any water 💦💦💦

  28. LetsFuckOnTheBoat

    Where is the slice, aim at the target find your ball 1-2 fairways to the right

  29. camguitarist

    Face half path.

    So for a draw if your swing path is 4deg in to out relative to straight, the face should be 2deg closed relative to swing path (2deg open relative to target).

    Ball starts right and draws left.

  30. EcstaticRhubarb

    That straight shot thing – it doesn’t exist

  31. Senior-Senior

    This assumes you are right handed.

    If you are left handed, swap the Fade and Draw labels.

  32. Brscmill

    The angle of the clubface relative to the targetline almost entirely determines the initial direction of flight the ball will take. If the clubface is pointed at the pin at impact, the ball will begin on a tractory in the direction of the pin. The curve the ball takes during flight is a function of the spin imparted on the ball at impact, which is determined by swing path relative to the angle of the clubface at impact.

    I.E. Club face pointed directly at hole plus swing path in perfect alignment with the clubface = straight ballflight toward the hole

    Clubface pointed at hole with swing path coming from inside the “straight shot” plane will result in shot starting at pin and quickly drawing/hooking to the left.

    Clubface pointed at hole at impact with swing path coming from outside the “straight shot” plane will result in ballflight starting at hole then quickly turning to the right as a fade or slice.

    In your first two drawings I would say, based on the clubface being pointed at the pin at impact, that it’d be more accurate to draw the ball flight line starting straight at the pin before veering the left of the green for top one and right of the green for middle one.

  33. Cyler888

    In a vacuum yes. But to each their own. I would hit a fade in all three of those situations simply because it’s my go to shot and I’m confident in it. Very little confidence in a draw for me at the moment.

  34. ballsohaahd

    Yea and the amount of difference between club fave direction and swing path controls how much it curves

  35. farquad88

    Standing straight to hit straight doesn’t work for me

  36. BuffaLouies

    Never been able to hit a straight shot so can’t confirm on the bottom one.

  37. ghostlyman789

    Put this on a shirt or a coffee mug, maybe a golf towel.

  38. Shadyside88

    NOPE! The shot shapes are correct, but you have the ball going around/over the water rather than directly into the water.

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