Golf Tips

Drills for compression and drills that help you stop pushing shots right

what are some drills that gave you the “aha” moment for understanding how to compress the ball? and as you can see my typical miss is a push to the right, does anyone have any drills that helped you not push balls to the right?

by Flimsy_Adeptness_515


  1. MacSanchez

    I started warming up doing half swings with only my left arm, trying to really focus on closing the face through impact until I was hitting hooks. Realized pretty quickly this was difficult because I was gripping too hard with my thumb and pointer finger but once I adjusted that it was easier. When I could hit a consistent pull with one hand I noticed my full shots felt more crips and tended to push fade less often

  2. LeMoosie

    Had this exact problem my guy!

    You swing is very in to out – causing you to get really stuck right now. You can see how far behind you your trail elbow is.

    Two things to work on. Try as much as possible to keep that trail elbow in front of your torso, and to not allow it to turn behind you so much. By working in front of a mirror you should be able to check this.

    Secondly and more importantly – to fix that extreme path what worked for me was to really turn my shoulders towards the target and then swing down. If you have this advice to any slicers, it would make their slice even worse. But for you, it’s going to get you on plane. At the top of your backswing, feel like your first move is rotating with the shoulders instead of dropping your hands like you do now.

    Hope all this helps man because I was struggling with the same thing 2 months ago!

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