Golf Tips

Listen up – I am no longer one of you

Righto, listen up this is a one time only deal. I have the secret and I have heard them all so I know this is it. For all you hackers wondering what the difference is between them and us (well them and you) this is it.
The pros and good players engage their core correctly to allow the power from the ground to transfer to the club. That's why that one skinny guy at your club can hit it 300 effortlessly. I have been playing for 25 years and I finally have it. Seeya suckers I won't be back here again. Don't say I didn't do anything for you… All the best with your journey

by Zealousideal-Bid9361


  1. TangoRango808

    God speed and hit them fairways and GIR’s.

  2. fanglazy

    Once you get the feel of hitting with your core, it is a game changer and for the first while it almost feels like an act of faith that it’s going to work.

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