CCV footage of my buddy breaking his 7th driver (hilarious)

My buddy and I went to practice our swing at night at an indoor practice facility and got the place to send me the video footage. Too funny. He got a stiff flex driver and hasn’t broken one since.

by soapymophead


  1. spankysladder73

    Right. It was the wrong shaft that caused that driver to break .

  2. WeAreAllFooked

    Flex has zero effect on a shaft breaking. Buddy will break the stiff shaft if he doesn’t stop hitting the ground first

  3. Rexkramer777

    Sounds expensive. 7 x 500 = 3500, ouch!

  4. Nakagura775

    That is a shit swing and grip. He also smashed the driver into the mat about 6 inches behind the ball. Thats why he keeps breaking them. Instead of spending money on driver he should spend money on lessons.

  5. Careful_Cheesecake30

    How do you get past the second broken driver without realizing your swing is literally broken?

  6. tlancaster222

    Buddy needs to quit buying new drivers and get a lesson. That swing sucks

  7. theJMAN1016

    set up sucks, therefore swing is going to suck.

    keep sucking I guess?

  8. Sarahplainandturnt

    Has he tried not smashing his driver directly into the ground?

  9. Eastern_Act8338

    Could’ve stick the club up his ass and swung better

  10. MechEJoe

    Pretty sure all shafts break when you smash them into the concrete floor a whole foot behind the ball

  11. Quantum_Helix

    Dude tries to hold his club like Bryson with zero skill. This is why Tiger said don’t watch fucking YouTube.

    Your buddy is the type of dude to hold up 5 groups behind him because of repetitive shit swings making the ball go nowhere.

  12. Wisesize

    Flex is based on club speed. Not something he needs to worry about

  13. Mantis_Toboggan_M_D_

    At some point lessons are cheaper than a new driver every round

  14. davidgoldstein2023

    He would be better off spending money on lessons instead of a new driver.

  15. Tell your buddy to look up “width” in the golf swing. He’ll probably break fewer drivers.

  16. ReddtitsACesspool

    I think the idea of golf is to strike the ball, not that mat 4 inches in front.. Unless the game changed?

  17. fallinguptwards

    Choke up on the damn club, how did it take 7 fails to realize this?

  18. ReddtitsACesspool

    This swing starts as a golf swing, ends as a baseball swing lol

  19. RollingCarrot615

    He has a slow swing and still managed to destroy that shaft. He is trying to swing hard, not fast. Relax some and swing waaaaay easier until he’s comfortable, then gradually work the speed up. Otherwise, just don’t buy the 8th driver.

  20. ask_johnny_mac

    Learn grip, stance and alignment first. Hopefully this guy is not venturing out onto an actual golf course anytime soon.

  21. I feel bad about my swing sometimes but then I see videos like these and it makes me feel much better

  22. OlympicClassShipFan

    Hat backward, a right thumb that about 2″ too far back, and a stance that only screams “*long ball*”.

    $5 says this dude plays bro country loud enough for others on neighboring holes to hear.

  23. There_is_no_selfie

    When you cant get around your midsection – maybe work on reducing that that before anything else.

  24. Bravojones33420

    That is a bad swing. Tell him if he wants to get good at golf that he needs to stop playing softball

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