Are you taking this shot?

Are you taking this shot?

by TheDiamondSquad


  1. Big-Attitude426

    Yes, but I’m lining up on the far tree to the right closing my club face and wrapping the ball around that tree.

  2. Bird2525

    Since I hit a draw anyway, probably eying to smother hook it around the tree to the right

  3. Jarich612

    You’re worried about the bee hive, I’m worried about the water hazard. Very dumb shot

  4. Majestic-Bobcat889

    The key is to aim right at the beehive – that way there’s no chance of actually hitting it

  5. BigTallFreak850

    No way I’m trying to hit it under trees and over water lol

  6. strangecargo

    Safe-playing back to the fairway to the right, with or without the beehive.

  7. FatRacecarMan

    I could fuck up this shot a variety of exciting ways, but none of them involve the trajectory that would hit that beehive- that’s like a 15 degree launch angle. If I blade the hell out of it, I’m under that, everything else is probably going over the tree.s This is like a 54 degree to the moon from the looks of the distance.

  8. lanzarl4luna

    I would play to the right, end up safely right of the green in the rough, then blast my next shot into the water.

  9. TheHarbrosMagic

    If you’re worried about the beehive here, you should be even thinking about trying that shot

  10. jdmay101

    Ok don’t take this the wrong way but… where the hell is the fairway?

  11. Rshackleford22

    Yes if I hit it they won’t know it was me

  12. Amerikaner83

    I’m staying to the right of those trees and going for the hill to help bounce me left.

    What happens is I chunk it and end up even closer to the tree.

  13. I’m a 2 hcp and would not attempt this shot even if the beehive wasn’t there.

    There’s a chance it goes in the water. There’s a chance of bees. There’s a chance in goes in the water AND bees.

  14. RossTheNinja

    Am I trying to put it through the gap in the trees?
    No chance.

    Is the ball going through that gap?
    No idea.

  15. Intheswing

    I’m going for the low bladed 4 iron and when it hits the water start yelling “SKIP” and watch it skip twice but go in and disappear into the depths about 10’ from the shore line – followed by a “SO CLOSE” – then declaring – I’m going to take my mulligan and then play it safe around it all to the right – and then drop another ball in the water

  16. EngineeringOwn2990

    I’d aim at it for shits and gigs

  17. Pretty_Log_2415

    There is a 0% chance I see that bee hive when I’m playing. 

  18. Infinite_Respect_

    There’s no good way out of this.
    – If you aim at the beehive, the laws of the universe will rest on you actually hitting your target dead-on because that would be worse
    – If you try not to hit it, you’re also obviously going to hit it

  19. Dundee1834

    If you aim at it, 10000% chance you’ll miss it. If you aim for the green, 1000% you’ll hit the nest. At least the way I play.

  20. AmAttorneyPleaseHire

    I’m aiming directly at the beehive to ensure I do not hit it.

  21. justafang

    Looks like about 100 out. Take out the 52 open it up aim for the gap on the left and it will clear the trees and fall to the right of the green

  22. binchbunches

    Depends on the distance.

    The hive is of no concern tho.

  23. Yea I mean the safest place for the beehive is straight in front of me so…

  24. No1Henchmans

    I would just aim for the bee hive – basically guaranteeing I miss it. Problem solved.

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