Who is team line?

For the record I am team line and idc about the results listed above. .

I draw one all the way around my ball.

I do it for putting alignment and I also like how it leaves a mark of club face so I know that I did hit out on the toe for the 294th time in a row. 👍🏻

by LordoftheReeee


  1. Joker0091

    So a 2.11% difference. That’s probably not even outside the margin of error. MGS with just another pointless study

  2. StalwartSparrow

    No line. No 360 walk around, no 2 feet straddling the line, no putter waving in the air. Just eye ball and go.

  3. Team no line. In fact, I putt much better when I just naturally read and putt quickly. Over analyzing things and playing slow costs me several putts per round.

  4. tdawg-1551

    Hate using a line. Too distracting if it isn’t perfect.

  5. Bighead_Golf

    This is a classic MyGolfSpy “experiment” disaster. They are so bad at what they think they do.

  6. Galbzilla

    Definitely a line. Read it. Set it. Set up to it.

    I can’t read the putt when I’m standing over the ball and I can’t tell if I’m setup right. This also helps me learn the greens over time, learning if they’re breaking a lot more than I thought or less. Also, I can tell if I’m hitting my putts straight or pulling or pushing them by how the line is rolling and where it started compared to my line.

    I don’t need to align the line for 5’ putts though, that I can see out of the corner of my eye.

  7. ForeLeft18

    What exactly are the numbers representing here?

  8. Zastavarian

    I’m a simple man. If i find it in the woods with a line… I’ll play it with a line. If i find it in the woods without a line, then i play it without a line.

  9. Golf-Guns

    I’ve been no line for a long time. I started missing a ton of putts and realized it was alignment.

    Started lining it up and I’ve been putting much better. So good until proven wrong

  10. GreenWaveGolfer12

    Absolutely team line. It gives you more information and feedback on your stroke. With a line it’s easier to tell if you’ve pushed or pulled a putt. It’s easier to tell if you’re getting the ball to roll properly or if it’s skidding too much and wobbling. It also allows me to get over the ball and trust that the alignment is right so all I have to worry about is the speed and getting the ball rolling correctly.

  11. GarageJitsu

    Both. Line up my putt if I’m within 5’ or so. Longer putts I’m more focused on speed if it goes in great but getting close enough for an easy 2 putt makes the day much easier

  12. According_Rhubarb313

    I have the line in my head, not on the ball. I find myself guiding it with a line on the ball

  13. I just love how easy it always makes it to identify my ball

  14. deebo_dasmybikepunk

    I use a line, but only off the tee oddly

  15. BanananaSlice

    No line.

    Line tends to make me feel OCD and pay too much attention to it.

    I like to feel “free” when I putt, putt as if it is a game.

  16. No_Worldliness_6982

    No line! It bothers my creativity on the greens.

  17. Redditluvs2CensorMe

    This basically says that “when it’s relatively close, golfers use the line and they think it helps. Further out, they ignore the line because they probably got it wrong anyway”

  18. Lol_who_me

    Line. Like knowing if I put a good stroke on my putts. Yes it’s adds 10 seconds I could be waiting to hit on the next tee box so yeah.

  19. leftgolfer123

    No line. Hard to get line just right to be able to trust that it’s aimed correctly. And obsessing about line made me lose focus on speed.

  20. Team line but not to worried if it’s slightly wrong. I think the mind does wonders for correcting that small margin of error by speed control.

    Mainly just for me to have something to line putter line against.

  21. nicholus_h2

    I am team line.

    My personal experience is that before I used to line up a putt, I’d stand over the putt thinking I was lined up aimed at point A, and one of two things would happen; a scramble partner would ask if I meant to be aimed at point B, I’d say no, they’d aim me at point A and then my putt would go brilliantly (line-wise, at least). OR I would putt, and the ball would take a different line from the one I intended.

    I figured the aim I got when I was standing over the ball was all jacked up because of perspective, and having a line on the ball let me figure out the line from a bit of distance, then trust the line when i was standing over the ball. I’ve tried to change my putting setup to be straight over the ball, but it doesn’t feel comfortable to me. So…annoying line, annoying setup it is…

    Hey, maybe I should fix the aim on my tee shots…

  22. Zestyclose-Stay-7408

    Team line. Anything to start me on line. Even if it doesn’t make a big difference it still makes a difference.

  23. Later_Doober

    Using the line helps out so much. Everyone should put lines on their balls.

  24. KuronaVyres

    Who’s this or what’s this statically based off of?

  25. hellloredddittt

    I use the line in only one situation.

    A long putt with a fair amount of break. Sometimes, it’s hard to sense where you are aiming when you are 40 feet away with 10 feet of break. Also, I’m old school, and the brand name on the ball works too. It has for many years before the line became a thing.

  26. PROcrastiN83arly

    Team NO LINE here. Find that I second guess myself with the line on the ball.

    I like to pick an intermediate spot and just use lines in my putter.

  27. jvillalobos22

    I have a mixed strategy on the line. I always keep my ball with 1 red line but I only use it for pretty straight putts of 10ft or less. If there is a lot of break or the putt is longer then I prefer to have the line down out of view. This way I can focus on my distance and visualizing the line of a big breaking putt.

    But if I have an 8 footer to the left half of the cup. I line that baby up. With the line, I can align my putter head to the ball and then focus on my target knowing I’m aligned. When I look back down, I can make my stroke confidently focusing just on my distance control.

  28. DrShortGame

    I’ll take anything to help get it started on the right line. Many times I’ve seen it one way, but then it felt different at address. Trusting the line has always worked.

  29. leftcoast90

    Personally the line never looks right for me once I stand over it, and I get too focused on hitting it on that line and my speed gets much worse. I pick a spot a few inches ahead of the ball when standing behind and keep eyes on it when approaching the ball, line up putter to that and it’s all speed from there. My mallet has a big line though so it’s super easy to line that up.

  30. 9yearsalurker

    It can have a line but I’m not gonna use it

  31. DependentAnywhere135

    These numbers are so in the margin of error that they are essentially meaningless.

  32. Smash_Factor

    I don’t understand the chart.

    Made 124 putts from 5 feet with the line, but made 126 putts from 5 feet without the line? I don’t get it.

  33. RingoFreakingStarr

    Meh I just use the font on the ball. Pretty much all fonts on golf balls have a squared/rectangular nature to them. It’s plenty enough to line up your putt.

  34. If I’m inside 3 feet, I use a line. Otherwise I turn the ball to the largest blank side

  35. AdamOnFirst

    I don’t see why you wouldn’t use a line. It takes a major variable out of putting. You don’t have to learn to use your eyes to match your putter face with the intended line or visualize the putter square to the target or whatever, you just align the aiming guide in your putter to the line. More brain space and focus left to focus on a clean stroke and proper speed.

  36. bauldersgate

    I prefer the line. It’s helped me quite a bit overall. Didnt see immediate results, and many times felt like the line was wrong when standing over the ball. Forced myself to not correct it and hit against the line and trust it. That was the hardest part. If I missed the putt it was a bad line, and roll with it. Eventually the line i saw and was expecting got better and better.

  37. thegolfernick

    I go a step further. I take the sharpie and draw a line from my ball to the hole each putt

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