Wyndham Clark chirps at Si Woo/Tom Kim after they lost their match yesterday

Wyndham Clark chirps at Si Woo/Tom Kim after they lost their match yesterday

by Realistic-Contract49


  1. Roc_City

    I love it. Team golf creates so much back and forth

  2. TheRedoubtableChoice

    This whole thing has been fun as hell

  3. BatMean2045

    Honestly, it was hard to take the Kims histrionics. I don’t even like Clark but he was right to give S.W. some crap.

  4. The_Man_in_Black_19

    I like the 1 ups-man-ship and back-and-forth because it’s once a year. If it was weekly, it would get old fast and I would probably tune out.

  5. So the Asians using American sports celebrations to gloat when they win one hole against a country that is whipping the entire world by itself. I think we are done here

  6. No_Cartographer_5167

    I dislike Clark, but who can blame him? Kim has been insufferable.

  7. pr0v0cat3ur

    These guys are all friends and this is just good competitiveness. Believe me, none of them are butthurt and they will all resume their friendly relationships the moment the final ball drops in this competition. Essentially, all of them will look back on this fondly and have great memories of the spirit within this competition.

    Are we not entertained!?

  8. TheBonusWings

    Something about golfers talking shit will always seem cringey to me

  9. loveallcreatures

    I mean. He clapped back, Ben have some pride. You can’t hold Clark’s jock on the golf course , he’s by every measure better than you.

  10. sloppymcgee

    That was a time for night night. Because it’s dark out there

  11. bartolocologne40

    The Kims were tired from beating Clark in the four-ball earlier that day.

  12. FatFaceFaster

    He’s the last guy that should be chirping anyone he’s 1-2 so far and got absolutely dusted by them yesterday 6&5

  13. I learned this week that I thought I liked Tom Kim, but found out he is pretty whiny and going to not have fun when he gets dragged to the Korean military for his mandatory service soon.

  14. Valtar99

    I mean. This is the correct response to them.

  15. loveallcreatures

    Ben A didn’t even play yesterday. Maybe he was lit.

  16. chefboyrg88

    Clark has played like trash this weekend. And honestly always plays like trash when he has the USA gear on. The last dude who should be chirping imo.

  17. Ventenebris

    Been such a fun tourney so far. Kim doing that gesture on the 16th when nothing had been settled was waaaay too premature, just knew it was gonna backfire for us.

  18. Rockhardwood

    I mean it’s funny, but your captain made you sit the afternoon because the Kims absolutely crushed you. When they beat you on 15, I wouldn’t be chirping them, as you take your afternoon walk. at least Kim made the best shot of the tournament so far to celebrate. You walked the afternoon, because the Kims embarrassed you lol. Anyone but Clarke should have done this.

  19. H8ersAlwaysH8

    I find it funny. Clark lost to those guys earlier in the day. Clark needed big brother to come on a beat up his bullies. And now he chirps behind his big brother. Been great content so far. Feel like it’s going to be a blowout today though.

  20. LoaferTheBread

    Now… if Pat had pulled the sleeper after he sunk the winning put. That would have been a sick clapback for Kim using it at the wrong time! Wyndham trying to do it in this context… ur not that guy Wyndham.. ur not that guy.

  21. Dingleshaft

    That wasn’t even chirping. Clark was upset and angry 😂

  22. Public_Proposal_3567

    Trash talk in golf is not a good look.

  23. If you’re gonna hit the curry on 17 and act like a fool and then proceed to lose on 18 you should expect an embarrassing amount of shit talk returned your way. Take your L and move on.

  24. shortgamegolfer

    I love how much shit the Kims are talking. Keep it up, great for the game! Wyndham though… now that you participated, you owe us all a point against Min Woo. You better produce.

  25. nedstark1985

    I hope it’s Wyndham and I Woo Sunday.

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