How The Golf Swing Really Works

Here Riley goes into detail on how the golf swing really works. Learn how your spiral lines and fascia in your body is what really motors the golf swing. This video will teach you everything you need to know about how to use your body to properly move the golf club through space. This is a must watch!

Here is what you are going to learn in this video:
1. How to use your spiral lines in your body.
2. How to properly use you pelvis throughout your golf swing.
3. How the entire golf swing works.

○ How To Hit A Draw And A Fade •
○ Putting Basics •
○ Distance Wedges •
○ What is Side Bend? •

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  1. When l started getting into golf in the early '90s and l quit playing in 2009 and picked it back up last year l don't remember the old timers having that many injuries as we see these days with pro golfers. l am sure they did but it was never talked about as it is these days. The old timers definitely have a diff way of swing than we have these days.

  2. Riley – Thank you for an excellent presentation of your map. Also, using your map of the golf swing (I became a dedicated viewer of all of your youtube content four months ago) helped me win my club's senior club championship.

  3. Aye Riley – thanks again for this video. A good 20 minutes well spent. I believe you did a video earlier this year for driver. But looking at this video, how does that change with what you covered today?

    And the new golf space is dope.. 💪🏾🤌🏾

  4. I love your videos but naturally I have a question if we swivel our pelvis to get that Right then in our torso on the downswing why can't we do just the opposite to start the swing on our back swing with our torso it's hard for me to get that feeling but I can by swiveling the hips clockwise to get that left crunch in my ribs on the backswing to begin the swing

  5. Fantastic and Astounding indeed! Struggled for decades! Appreciate your systematic pragmatic education! Comprehendable and high value! I’ve benefited much from your channel

  6. The difference between bending the L spine and T spine is day and night. Thanks for highlighting this again. Also it makes so much space, just easy swings

  7. That is the best explanation of the pelvis swivel that I have heard. Good on you Riley. 🙏

  8. Thanks for this roadmap, it makes so much sense and gives all of us a pattern to work on.

  9. I am sure I will have questions after I go to the range today. But, I want to add to the numerous compliments below by saying – What a great job!

  10. The more I watch your stuff, the more it sinks in and the more I appreciate how well your map works biomechanically. Love the hula hoop image with no foot movement to get into the correct rib sway/side bend position in transition. As someone who has hit a million + balls with the slide/lumbar side bend pattern, I'm curious how long (based on your own observations) it would take an athlete to make this significant change in motor pattern?
    p.s. I recently signed up for the X Factor membership and really like the site. I'm hoping that in the future you will add an exercise masterclass section where you show specific med ball, rope flow, band, cable and weight workouts that are used to condition your athletes to perform your map pattern. Thanks!

  11. this is interesting and informative and I always enjoy a good discussion of how the golf swing and the anatomy work. would you say that the origin of the back swing movement is the upper right of the shoulder area or something else and the downswing is moved by what area when it comes to the spiral lines? I'm very left side dominant in my swing because i'm lefthanded but I am a right handed player so I do a left shoulder down and back to start the swing and a left side pull to the downswing but I also at times do kind of the opposite with my right side moving the action. thnx for the info and help.

  12. The "turn and unload" portion of the swing still holds some questions for me. While using the upper spiral and releasing the club around us – do the legs play an active role as well in this part of the swing?

  13. This is AMAZING content, thank you Riley! I've been playing around with this sequence all morning and having a-ha moments when I'm really feeling like I'm getting it. Initially as I was dropping, my weight would be primarily on my trail foot, which left me leaning too far back from the ball (and target) as I swiveled. But I saw your comment below, the weight/pressure should be staying more on the lead foot (60%?) throughout the sequence, is that right?

  14. Swivel and hip pivot action definitions still evade me. Are the hip pivots part of the swivel?
    Would you please clarify.

  15. Riley, you are so good at splaining things. I have heard many of the same things you talk about but you put things in a very coherent package, well done.

  16. Great explanation! I love how the upper spiral / chest extension shows how you go into lead side bend in the backswing

    Question: do you initially feel you are keeping the pelvis quiet / resisted in the backswing as the rib cage opens up and pulls the pelvis open? Separation of the two? Mine open too much simultaneously I think

  17. Hi Riley, excellent videos, just want to clarify, when you swivel your hips , do you trigger them by moving your left hip only in the anti clockwise direction of the hulahoop and at the sametime maintaining the depth of your right hip ?, and you do it until you feel there is a stretch on your left back scap area (like a rubber ban) before unloading it. thanks

  18. Tbh, once I load up the spiral line and drop, the energy just takes off. I really don’t actively try to swivel or thrust forward my pelvis. Guess I ought to be thinking about this a little more.

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