What’s it worth? M&M Leather Golf Bag. Brand New

Picked this up locally and it’s brand new never used. I can’t find any info on this bag anywhere online but it seems to be of very high quality leather based on the craftsmanship of the bag. It came with a Driver that’s brand new in plastic as well as an umbrella (which I haven’t opened to see if it carries the same M&M theme). The details are amazing and it’s even numbered. This one is #155.
Anyone have any idea of what this could be worth? I tried to include really detailed pics.

Thanks for looking.

by majebay


  1. Legal-Description483

    Whatever someone is willing to pay.

    Promotional items like this really don’t have much value, unless you find someone that really wants it, and is willing to pay a premium for it.

  2. twizzler7788

    $0. You couldn’t pay most golfers to use that.

  3. A--Nobody

    I’ll take it off your hands if you pay me €500

  4. Few-Anybody-4986

    It has never been used? I am shocked.


  5. Sayitandsuffer

    id put it away for 10 years and ask again .

  6. My buddy has a snickers bag. He would probably trade for it lol

  7. That rules. Feel like if you’re patient you could get a few hundred.

  8. Greenking73

    I’d rock that bag every time I played with a cart. Not gonna carry it but would use with cart.

  9. Pretend_Detective558

    Honestly I think it’d be cool in a games room, I’d never play with it. It’d be worth $150 as a novelty piece if it were me

  10. If it’s brand new, just check the receipt.

  11. ctrlshftejct

    read this as “was it worth it” and i’m keeping it that way

  12. takeme2space

    Best bet is to find someone who collects M&M Memorabilia. I don’t think anyone would realistically want to bring that to the course.

  13. Magenta_Mountain_

    $100 + I pay shipping. This is the type of bag I use on St Andrews.

  14. Baldylocks_41

    Not sure how much that would be worth but I think that is the best golf bag I’ve ever seen….hands down.

  15. Loose_Earth_5069

    I would pay you $150 for it right now

  16. buster_rhino

    It’s something that was probably given away to start with, then discarded. So probably not too many people pining for it.

  17. Environmental-Sail79


  18. ewooddan

    3 hundred plus. You never know until you list it. It’s interesting. I’d game it for cart rounds.

  19. Reddit certainly never disappoints!!

    Truth be told…. I work in the car business and a customer gave it to me this morning. Told me it’s just been sitting in his office for past few years. Didn’t expect all the feedback and comments but I may just throw it on eBay as suggested to see what it does.

  20. TheMasterDev

    This is incredible. The right buyer would pay several hundred I imagine.

  21. ZCatcher

    I was gonna guess put it on eBay for $199. You’ll get offers

  22. PUMKIN81

    If you post it on ebay can I have the link. I use to love mm stuff.

  23. KananJarrusEyeBalls

    Feel like its a thing id find in an antique mall for like 200$ but would be able to talk them down to 100 because its sat there forever.

    Cool find tho looks in decent shape

  24. Do you have a Peanut M&M one???? Original sucks

  25. meesterstanks

    It was most likely a gift from that company to employees, who knows when… I would easily pay $500 for it though. Maybe more depending on the day. I love it lol

  26. Nickster8074

    Stacked Golf on YouTube would love to have this. You should contact them!

  27. unhumanity

    To a random person? Not much…to a collector that has money? Loooooots… I put it up on eBay for 500 bucks minimum bid see if anybody bites

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