Golf Tips

How to improve my swing?

Been golfing quite a bit lately and trying to improve my drive. I can make consistent contact but my swing looks awkward.

by Rogerpants19


  1. MasterpieceMain8252

    That right thumb should be wrapped around the club, not on down the middle. You’re taking the club too inside in takeaway, and your left arm should be pinned against shoulders, not chest

  2. Just_somebody_onhere

    So it is about path….created from arms.

    You sweep your arms across your chest in the backswing. Tons of folks do, it is the feel that corresponds to what we think we see when we watch a pro swing.

    That’s an illusion, our eyes tricked, we try and copy. A pro is actually pushing their arms out and up – think reaching lead hand out to shake a hand. Not sweeping across a lot at all, their hands stay pretty much in front of their body, not swept to the side.

    So if they “swung” **with zero body** rotation, just arm path…. It would lift away and up over trail shoulder, then come down and in and past lead leg. A slightly angled axe chop.

    You’d samurai slice across your body horizontally instead.

    And that is the difference and why it looks awkward (it can also be super consistent and accurate, it just will never allow for the distance you could potentially have).

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