Golf Tips

What can I do better/work on?

New to golf here, been practicing for about a week or so. I want to have a smoother golf swing, and i tend to stand up a bit when my hands get to my hip area on the down swing. Would love some tips and advice

by nekuzan


  1. SenyorHefe

    hard to tell but from this angle it looks like your stance is a little narrow, aim for ankles shoulder width apart.. and yes you need to minimize the standing up, it affects where your club bottoms out, you want that to be as consistent as possible.. try waiting for a quick two count before you look where the ball is going.. let your arms pass, then a quick two count, then look up.. it’ll feel weird and a little too dramatic but you need to train the muscles to not instinctively start moving into pose too soon..

  2. Ok_Difference8202

    Look up drills on “Early Extension”. It is a common swing flaw in amateurs. It is a key contributor to inconsistency. It’s not always an easy fix. You may have to try multiple drills until you find one that feels right to you.

  3. BrockForsey

    You have a late sway off the ball at the end of the backswing. This makes contact inconsistent. Try to get a more centered backswing turn. Put an object like your bag on your right hip. Then practice turning without bumping it.

    Some setup stuff. Your left hand grip is too weak. Get it in your fingers. It also looks like you have a narrow stance so get your feet shoulder width apart if it isn’t.

    The standing up at impact is caused by something earlier. You don’t stand up for no reason. You stand up because your clubface is open (grip related) and you have to stall to flip your hands to square the clubface.

    Really good stuff for a newer golfer. A great foundation for a great golfing future!

    Let me know if you’d like my help with this!

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