Kiz not holding back

Kiz not holding back

by alley00pster


  1. TheElusiveBushWookie

    Guy known for chirping and doing things to piss people off gets pissed off by golfers walking to the next tee before American player putts out… that’s Busch league

  2. Jimmy_Meltrigger

    I always thought it was “Bush” league…

  3. Disastrous_Week3046

    Meh. It’s gamesmanship. Who cares. The euros will have to deal with a lot worse next year at Bethpage with all idiotic barstool bros who are going to be heckling the entire weekend.

  4. Legal_Math4070

    This is great from both sides. International team instigating, USA team chirping back. This is what sports are like. People complaining about either side here are painfully soft

  5. gabacus_39

    Why are the Presidents Cup, and to a much greater degree, The Ryder Cup played like this? Why do players go overboard with the emotions when most of them are stoic as fuck any other time they’re in a tournament? I find some of the behaviour bizarre from the players and the fans. It’s freakin’ weird to me.

  6. mrkitzero

    Kiz was offended but nobody else. Why is this a story?

  7. supplyncommand

    eh it is pretty lame they walked off. i get it they are friends they probably did it thinking it was a funny competitive slap in the face so to speak but it’s a little much. you don’t walk off while your competitors are still putting. even amateurs at member guest don’t do that. it’s disrespectful for sure and it makes them look pretty silly after the fact

  8. LivermoreP1

    As mentioned in other posts… KIM AND SCHEFFLER ARE BUDDIES!

    They’re having fun talking shit out there and the media is using it for click bait.

  9. Latkavicferrari

    I understand that there teams is losing but the crowd is non existent, come on Canada, you can do better

  10. BanananaSlice

    … they’re all good buddies and they’re just trying to rattle each other for fun.

    Kiz being dramatic here…

  11. RodHotRo

    Come on guys! Tom K is king! This is what it makes the sport great. We want to be entertained right !

  12. Majorinc

    Holy people are always crying about something

  13. this_my_sportsreddit

    The amount of pearl clutching going on over a modicum of verbal outburst during a competitive golf match is hilarious. Kim and Scottie are good friends. But even if they weren’t, who cares? Everyone’s trying to win.

    That said, the thought process that everyone should walk on eggshells to not ‘poke the bear’ in Scottie, is just dumb. Scottie is going to play as well as he can regardless.

  14. Awww sports getting a little too competitive for reserved country club manner? Sorry, but this is the one thing about golf I’ve always hated. Getting too fired up is frowned upon. Let’s compete like warriors when on the course/field/court/ice, etc.

  15. Two_dump_chump

    Kiz? The fuck he even doing at this thing? 😂

  16. Scissors4215

    Tom and Scottie are super close friends. This is blowing so far out of proportion

  17. Get_Rich_Become_God

    Dan Rapaport has such a tenuous grasp of spelling, especially when you consider that his job is to write things. 

  18. Ventenebris

    Bahaha what? I watched the two putts live, seemed like one was pumped to make an awesome putt and get a hole back, the other made an awesome putt in response and made an outburst in a very joking fashion.. The commentators said they are really good friends.. Legit nothing was there.. First wasn’t even directed at Scottie, wtf

  19. royalhawk345

    >Busch league

    Aren’t you allegedly a sports reporter? That’s fucking embarrassing.

  20. Eliminate-DaBots

    If it had not been for Kim antics I would have not even realized the President’s Cup was being played this week. Gotta do something to liven up this snooze fest.

  21. birdiebogeybogey

    For you younger folks, it’s called “class”.

  22. ISayISayISitonU

    golf drama remains the lamest drama in sports. it’s so bad it’s hilarious.

  23. joGetsjo

    If I was in a high profile tournament and golfing against one of my best friends, I’d be fucking teeing off on the next hole before they can finish their putts. Alls fair in love and war baby. Tom and Scottie are buds – I’d be pissed if they weren’t in each other’s grill all match

  24. Im_not_Larry123

    Media trying to stir the pot and get clicks and ratings.

    Dudes are being competitive and chirping back and forth, and I’m here for it.

  25. miamibuckeye

    Whole lot of nothing but Tom Kim screaming after every single putt over 5 ft is a little ridiculous. It is Thursdsy on the front 9 dude

  26. _NathanialHornblower

    I think people are conflating two things that happened. The first was Kim yelling after he made a long putt (completely fine). The second was Kim and Im completely leaving 8 green and standing on 9 tee before Scheffler even putted on 8 green (less fine).

  27. The internationals are in deep here… Even though I’m cheering for them, it’s a tough road.

    So sometimes maybe you have to poke the bear. Might not have worked well in this case but I will take Tom Kim over Reddit commentators any day

  28. Man did people not read or watch what he’s talking about…

    People keep acting like he’s mad about them chirping back and forth but it’s really that the internationals walked away from the green before the US players finished putting which even the non American broadcasters said was rude. Totally fine with them chirping back and forth the sport could use more of that but honestly I agree. It’s an unwritten rule/custom but it exists for a reason and you can like those customs in this setting without it being because“you’re soft” and “wouldn’t last a minute in a locker room”. Bring on the intensity but keep a certain level of respect.

  29. toolittyy

    I will say, it’s off brand for the country lmfao

  30. spaceqwests

    Bullshit. It’s a rare team event. The fellas are having fun and being passionate.

    This is what we want to see from the players, just not so much from the crowd.

  31. MrSelatcia

    this is manufactured outrage. golf needs to sell itself as exciting.


    finally got rid of zing and now we have kiz

  33. AtlFreeGucci

    To be fair Scotty isn’t all that scary in these tournaments. Outside of that long putt to answer Kim, he wasn’t that amazing today. In fact I feel like the 2 of the 3 holes that were won by their team were done so by Russell Henley. If one of my friends was playing against me, I’d be talking shit and doing everything I can to get in his head. Who gives af. At that point they were down in 4 of the matches they needed some kind of spark or edge.

  34. moseisley99

    Ppl think kisner is talking about the back and forth from Tom and Scottie. But it’s because they all left the green and went to the next tee before Scottie was done putting. They left so early that he hadn’t even lined it up or anything. This was 100% bad etiquette and they said on TV that it was all Camilo’s egging on. Still Tom and Sungjae should know better.

  35. ubiquitous_archer

    You know what else isn’t classy? Being a notorious drunk, but Kiz seems cool with that

  36. theBigDog131313

    Kis is such a talent on the course and off, he should be next to nantz at the masters in April.
    And, this is just my personal opinion but I think he’d rather be hunting 🦆

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