Punch out? Nah, I’m sure this will be good enough for my triple bogey!

Not sure if this has been posted before, but it popped up on my Instagram and personally attacked my golf game. I may not have made this, but I’ve definitely made this decision way too many times and then blamed the result on narrow fairways😄

by ttforum


  1. Ok_Main_4202

    I play the game specifically to hit these shots

  2. Mulliganasty

    I have made it through a few times but never where I was aiming.

  3. gogo-gaget

    – 35% chance I hit a tree and it lands somewhere out of bounds

    – 30% chance of chunking it and it rolls 10 feet ahead me into the bottom of a tree.

    – 25% chance I hit a tree and the ball flys back and hits me.

    – 7% chance it hits a tree and lands behind me somewhere on the fairway.

    – 3% chance of making it through the trees and landing in the rough on the other side of the fairway.

    I like them odds. We’re going for it. Get my club.

  4. kturbo75

    Funny thing is. He ended up making birdie on this hole.

    You can bust Phil for a lot of dumb decisions, but on this hole and this shot.

    He pulled it off

  5. Can-I-remember

    Surely only 1 in 20 of you would even consider punching out sideways.

    I would walk up to this, pull out my 1 iron, consider whether to hit a full swing low cut between second and third trees in front of me or hit a full swing draw around the first. Probably the draw.

    The odds are I make the shot, hit it along the ground out into the fairway or catch one of those trees and rebound out or in. No matter what, I reckon I’m a 80% chance to be better off then a weak ass punch that I’m just as likely to stuff up.

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