Crazy winds at the driving range💨

Wind 1, golfer 0: when the mat takes the swing.

by Snoo-62310


  1. dr_shastafarian

    I’m sorry but why would you even go to the range at that point…

  2. Rekrap2829

    “I’m not addicted to golf” I’d say as I stood there trying to get my mat back down

  3. jaycutlerdgaf

    Why even bother?

    Just go to the bar, get a few beers, and watch you tube swing videos.

  4. Puzzled_Try_6029

    They have these things called simulators now where you can play indoors when outdoors is like this 😱

  5. surfcitypunk

    Great place to practice for Scotland in the winter.

  6. There had to be some sort of event going on, right?

  7. Mysterious_Worker608

    “Honey, how did you get road rash on your forehead at the driving range?”

  8. itchycarwash

    That’s some high level dedication. Much more than I have!

  9. Own-Ask2702

    Cheyenne WY is where i learned to hit low line drives or suffer the consequences. Brutal to play there but fun.

  10. Reemus_Jackson

    I’d pull into the parking lot, take one look and say “nope”

    *puts car in reverse*

  11. I’ve hit balls into the wind in a hurricane to see if I could take full cuts at a 60 degree and get it to go backward. Almost worked.

  12. kraftdinne

    This was last year at the 19th tee in Ottawa. It was the first day of the year (in April) that the range opened. I was there that day and needless to say, the balls were not carrying very far.

  13. “Got my wedge distances dialed in today. The 52° goes -35 yds and the 56°goes -50.”

  14. Thin_Confusion_2403

    “If there’s nae wind, there’s nae gawf!”

  15. Blklight21

    Mat was like oh you wanna kick me huh?? I got you

  16. Beware_the_silent

    Dude gets blasted in the face with a heavy ass mat moving at good speed but yeah let’s selfie and laugh about it while he is in obvious pain.

  17. dale_dug_a_hole

    Ahh laddie… there’s a bit of a breeze. Ya might wanna club up there son.

  18. DougyTwoScoops

    I see a business opportunity to open a range in this town. They really have that many people out there on a 60mph wind day?

  19. Virtual_Manner_2074

    Nobody even paid any attention to the guy that got blown away!!!

  20. ClevelandClutch1970

    Hahahaha holy shit that’s hilarious

  21. All the balls you can see at the start were Kyle Berkshire drives.

  22. MasterpieceMain8252

    That’s a payback for all the beating mats have gotten over the years

  23. This is why Ben Hogan said to never practice into the wind.

  24. RoostasTowel

    This is giving airport beach vibes


  25. BuddySheff

    If you hit the ball high enough it’ll come back and you can reuse it. Infinite range ball glitch

  26. Anti-Buzz

    Dude took a flying rug burn to the face. Ouch!

  27. JaRulesLarynx

    That’s a four club wind. Or what I like to call “two club too many”

  28. Both-Restaurant4941

    Kinda deserved it. Why was he kicking the mat.

  29. SomeLettuce8

    I have a tee time for a championship course down in SoFlo tomorrow morning, rain or shine. I have had this booked for some time. I told my wife today about “if it’s breezy, gotta swing easy”. She will be my caddie

  30. Hey boys, maybe turn it in and go for a pint in the grill. Why even hit balls with winds like that

  31. bigRalreadyexists

    What’s Andy Dalton doing over there?

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