Golf Tips

Swing help

Been struggling with irons and wedges. My long irons usually feel easier to make contact than my short irons and I often thin wedges into the green.

Feels like I’m reverse pivoting instead of rotating on plane and feeling that stretch. I also think I tend to roll the club face with my hands inside on the takeaway.

Usually shoot mid 90s.

by Cyranbr


  1. drfordtms

    First things first. Set up. Take about one or two inches back. Weight slightly to your right. About 60/40 on right at setup. Gotta start from the ground up, from the setup.

  2. drfordtms

    You got a reverse pivot because of your setup. Gotta get weight to the right side and release to left. Athletic move. Think mlb pitcher or nfl qb. Load weight on back side then release on front side. Follow through.

  3. BrockForsey

    It looks like you’re aimed slightly to the right. Not a huge deal but it might cause some compensations.

    You don’t really turn your shoulders in the backswing. You just dip your left shoulder. And you obviously have a very short backswing as a result. This also causes your right hip to sway off the ball. Whenever you sway like that you’ll have a likelihood of chunking the ball since you don’t have much time to get your weight forward.

    So need to learn how to open the right hip instead of swaying it. And need to learn how to turn the shoulders on a flatter plane.

    There’s also a takeaway issue where your hands work Away from your body and the clubhead gets behind you too quickly. So you need to work on hands in, clubhead outside your hands in the takeaway. Then a more vertical club in the backswing. Because of your takeaway your backswing gets flat.

    I don’t think you’re far off. You have a nice rotational move and you have good wrist conditions. If you get your arms to get a longer backswing, it will be interesting to see how to respond to that.

    Let me know if you’d be interested in my help with this!

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