Golf Tips

Need help, can’t break 100

Any help appreciated. I’ve been told I have a good swing. I’ve been an athlete my whole life but took up golf a year ago and LOVE IT.

I have taken 2 lessons, i go to the range couple times a month and play regularly

I’m pretty good at putting. And my short game is fine. I mostly struggle with the driver(slice). And overall consistency with my irons (often topping the ball, or slicing, weakened grip)

Is it just mental? At this point. My friend said I hit a plateau and probably be stuck shooting 104-115

by Transnistria_is_real


  1. mental, and course management. assuming you dont duff chips and putt 36 times per round roughly u should be breaking 100. do you play the right tees?

  2. FranticGolf

    The mental game is a significant portion of the game. I would recommend reading Golf Is Not a Game of Perfect by Dr Bob Rotella.

    Start tracking your round when you play with the following. Tracking these will help you focus in on the part of the game that will help you score better. If for instance you are only hitting 2 of 14 fairways well that is where you focus.

    Fairways Hit

    Greens in Regulation

    Up and Downs


    Penalty Strokes

  3. trdpro2019voodoo

    Well you’re extremely flat in the back swing and really roll your lead arm in the take away. Remember the golf swing needs to be repeatable. Game management is huge, personally I always try and place a shot to a very comfortable number/my favorite club

  4. Don’t try and hit it so hard. Think about how the club should be hitting the ball, and help it to do that. Half swings can break 100

  5. canadiantpain

    Always start with the grip my man. I can see from your bottom hand that your index finger isn’t applying the correct pressure to the club. It can affect both distance as well as accuracy. Start there.

  6. SenyorHefe

    from this perspective I can see that your stance is a little narrow, ideal width is approximately shoulder width at the ankles. it would benefit you to turn your left foot out a little ay address to make turning through the ball a little easier.. Try to minimize the right leg semi locking out, it can cause poor weight transition issues during swing.. try not to manually roll your grip from right to left as you swing.. the grip shouldn’t really roll much at all, it’s an optical illusion. Everything you are doing to playable, other than the stance width, you’re currently dealing with timing sensitive issues.. On good days, great!.. On bad timing days, not so good.. The goal is to minimize the variables in your swing so you can maximize the energy you are generating going into the ball and not being leaked here and there.

  7. LayneLowe

    Learn to chip your SW onto the putting surface

  8. Wild-Masterpiece-630

    Socks should match shirt

    Hat should match shorts


  9. tlancaster222

    Swing is definitely good enough to break 100, but your backswing is very flat which causes you to come over the top. But like I said if you can’t break 100 you gotta either work on course management or short game

  10. Sir_Grizz_76

    To elaborate on your top comment:

    TL/DR: aim for a bigger area if you don’t practice like the pros, PLAN on a mishit to keep yourself in play. Lower standards. Keep light stats, ONLY to gauge your practice routine for the next week- not to become a nerd. Change up your tee boxes occasionally. Let me insult your cards and swings with a fun sense of humor, while I actually offer advice- I’ve got nothing else to do for the next 6-8 months.

    The key to scoring is planning for your miss. I generally (used to, currently not playing- my body got so pissed after my last round in the 80’s, it developed cancer and is trying to kill me with shame) followed the ever-tailored ‘80% rule’:

    80% of results with 80% power. That changes day to day- most days is a tight draw, some days it’s a wild slice with the occasional hozzle. Play your game for the day, and focus on REPEATABLE swings.

    Course management, along with mental game. You will hardly ever hit the ‘perfect shot,’ which means it’s the exact strike, ball flight shape, spin action, and result that you want. Shit, If I ever had two of those attributes on a single swing- it was TV worthy, in my perspective. Quit aiming for sucker pins. You didn’t ‘miss’ the green from 215- you’re lucky to hit it- find a solid wedge distance to lay up to (closer ain’t always better- sometimes you want a full club into the green, and maybe your favorite low iron over a wedge you never hit). The pins that hug the edges, are just over a ridge, close to trouble, etc are a no-go. I would start by stat tracking- but also stop there. The last thing you need to do is become a numbers chaser- on trackman, on the range, or on the course. Develop a wherewithal for your stats to determine your practice schedule. Fairways, Greens, Ups and Downs, Putts, Penalties.

    IE, you hit 8/18 greens: maybe not so much iron work, if you also only hit 2 fairways- maybe you need to practice driver or your layup clubs. Or, maybe a SHIT ton of wedges and putters (period), if you had 2/5 up and downs. Inversely, practice irons if you missed 5 hittable greens.

    Next: change up your tee boxes. If you routinely play the whites, try the blues (slow weekday, please) as it may bring you back far enough to avoid trouble off the tee. Frees up your swing, THEN train yourself to think ‘accurate, NOT far.’ Or, play the reds and practice your short game. If you go into that thinking you’ll shoot 59, wake up and go shower. However, if you go into that and think about how to avoid double bogeys- then go play golf. Change up what you’re doing, experiment, and have some fun. It’s challenging for the athletes to lower standards or see lack of results from repeated training. Ever change your workout routine in the gym- or, for you, the beer you drink? Do that on the course. When you have fun, you relax- and when you relax, you have fun- and when you have fun, MF’s accidentally shoot their low round.

    Jabs aside, there your are my guy.

    If you can handle a bit of heat- but with earnest advice- post a slow mo swing video and let me break it down. Or your scorecard post round.

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