Golf Tips

Settle a bet between 2 Friends.

Green or not?

by psantiago412


  1. KingGerbz

    Technically not but even Scottie scheffler is choosing to putt that over chipping

  2. sonJokes

    That’s against the collar, on the green. The line shows the green mow marker, it looks like in that spot blades didn’t quite reach down, so it’s a bit fluffed.
    If you’re arguing in terms of whether using a putter counts as a putt, I would count it as on the green and therefore a putt. If it’s over GIR, I’d count it as a GIR.
    It’s recently cored so we won’t be too harsh on the greenskeepers.

  3. SCSteveAutism

    What green have you seen where the grass is that fluffy? It’s the fringe

  4. JonathanNMehoff

    Nope. But the good news is, if you three-putt from there, it technically only counts as 2 putts

  5. BasicCraft2385

    We can agree the left side of the grass line is fairway/fringe, and right side is green? The ball is clearly on the right side. That’s green.

  6. Just_somebody_onhere

    Fringe…. Such a strange mowing job, lmfao, the first cut of fringe around the green……

  7. ScuffedBalata

    Well, if the well defined dark line is the edge of the fringe, then definitely green. It’s defined as green if “any part” of the ball is touching the green.

    But someone missed a mowing line there, so that’s what makes it borderline.

    I’m going with that well defined line as the edge of the green/fringe and therefore it’s green.

  8. Euuphoriaa

    Fringe. The line you see that almost intersects the ball is a bit deceiving, there is still fluffed grass in front of the ball. The actual green starts about a half inch in front of the ball

  9. degen4Iyf

    If you call that a fringe on a greenie shot, I don’t want to play with you.

  10. Cautious_Buffalo6563

    You’re on the fringe of the fringe. I’d still use putter.

  11. cptngabozzo

    Astounded so many saying its not on the green, theres clearly a line from the first cut beyond the resting place of the ball making it on the green.

    Now the cut is extremely poor from where Im guessing a previous mow was, but the line for the green is obvious

  12. Ifarted422

    lol dude, you’re putting if you pull out any club besides a putter I would never play golf with you again

  13. _thomasjb

    Worked as a greenskeeper for a couple summers. That’s on the green. The mow line of intent is obvious. You’re getting fluffy grass right on that ball because its aerated and the mower bounces rather than traveling nice and smooth – and one thing we were always taught was that if you’re going to miss with mower blades tuned low enough to hit the green, miss inside the fringe like this. Otherwise you will absolutely burn and kill the fringe turf. Like, the mower line burn mark would last for weeks of dead brown grass versus the collar just being a little scruffy rather than lined up tight.

    That said, my boss would probably just make us do this again. They should’ve taken a second pass with the collar mower. But then again, when its 520 AM and you’re working off a lamp or a little bit of daybreak, and you have 15 more of these to go… it happens man.

    If this is you playing with friends, real friends would let you mark the ball and put a line on it to putt. Unless y’all is dicks. Then do with that what you will. But its so obvious the way the green is designed and is intended to be played that that ball is on the green.

  14. If any part of the ball is on the green, then it is considered on the green and can be: marked, lift, clean and placed exactly back where the ball was. Not quite word for word of the rules but close.

  15. Seaisle7

    I would say it’s off b/c it looks like the color matches the fringe not the green so if your have to be on to measure for closest to the pin ,no need to measure u are off

  16. The reason why you’re debating is the reason why it’s not on the green

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