My <$50 driving net from Harbor Freight

In case anyone is interested in a cheap home setup, here’s mine. I had already returned two driving nets from Dick’s after they broke, and I wasn’t about to drop another $100 on some other POS. So, I picked up a 10’x 12’ mesh tarp from Harbor Freight/ Hazard Fraught, a few carabiners, and some paracord and strung it in the backyard between two trees. Works great, seems to be holding up OK after a couple hundred shots, and it sounds quite satisfying when hit. Total cost was $46 and change (and would’ve been less if I hadn’t bought more than I needed).

by BloodyRightNostril


  1. AnxiousMind7820

    Until you hit that tree in the middle and the ball comes right back and you knock yourself out.

    But glad you found something that works.

  2. NC-Boomhauer1986

    Looks don’t matter as long as it works.

  3. frobit1990

    Everyone seems worried about the tree in the middle when 90% of us should be concerned with the trees on the outside of the net….

  4. Shit even if I stood 3 feet from the net I ain’t hitting that net lol

  5. Nickinpdx

    This is what I’m looking for…a cheap option

  6. the_lost_carrot

    I had a thought about doing something similar in my backyard. Do you have some sort of hitting mat as well?

  7. Free flashlight with purchase from Harbor Freight to find the balls in the woods

  8. The grommets will rip out of that tarp first, had it set up as a shade cloth in my yard, lasted about a week before tearing.

  9. VeryTairyHesticals

    I just bought one on amazon for $50 to put in our gym for the winter as well as a chipping target. Sucks being in canada.

  10. CapacityBark20

    I just set up the moveable hospital curtain track in my garage with a “golf impact net” and I’m probably going to put a tarp behind it because I’m still hitting the wall that’s about 18″ behind it. Either that or I gotta get something to weigh the net down so it does flex flex as much

  11. MrFisked

    Practicing shots from deep within the woodland? This is the way

  12. Kevin91581M

    Like you’re actually going to hit that net

    Come on op. Do you think
    We were born yesterday?

  13. Ninjaphoenix0904

    Put a couple pool noodles on that tree lol or at least some foam.

  14. wasntahomer

    Could someone explain how a hitting net is helps? I am genuinely curious as someone who could use help and see these nets all over I don’t understand what input is being gathered to help a swing.

    Is it just about the repetition and trying hear the sweet spot or can you actually tell a hook or slice from that close?

  15. lolvalue

    you’ll still need something to hit as a target as that will rip a hole too. There is no netting that won’t rip over time.

  16. if_the_foo_shitz

    Captain Kirkland, I was gonna say your back yard looks like mine. But your username affirms it.

  17. LightenUpFrancis1968

    Someone is going to get killed when the ball bounces back off the tree.

  18. BrandonioBrown

    What’s the point of these exactly? You have no idea if you hit a good shot or not? Is it just me?

  19. BodybuilderSalt9807

    Same rules are firearms use lol.

    Make damn sure no one ever wanders back there when you are using it!

  20. JuiceJones_34

    Least you’ll hit into the woods on a shank. No different than on course for me lol

  21. Juicy_Vape

    helmet and safety glasses , maybe even a cup lol

  22. Let’s get a follow up on this after a couple thousand shots

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