Is this drill under rated or am I just behind?

I’ve seen this 100 times and always scroll by because comments are always something along the lines of “it’s not that hard/impressive”

Finally tried it, for a mid-teen handicap, it’s not that easy and it thought me a ton once I got the feel for it. Feeling the club trail, not throwing the head, hands so much closer to my body than I’m used to.

After hitting 50 or so one handed and getting “ok” contact, I went to 2 hands. Everything felt so clean. I threw some foot powder on the wedge and after 1 slight heel, everything was pretty center (for me). Pic is in comments



  1. BanananaSlice

    Personally I think you’re supposed to hit golf balls with your lead hand.

    So it may be better if we hit lefty as right handers and hit righty as left handers.

    It’s backwards orientation and that’s why golf is hard.

  2. It’s super easy to cup the wrist with this drill and leave the face wide open. It’s still a great drill, but if you don’t know what you’re doing it’s slice city

  3. GarageJitsu

    If you give someone a club and tell them to chip one handed you can tell a lot about someone’s game with which hand/arm they use

  4. BrandonDavidTattooer

    Most coaches start with stuff like using your following/back arm, in one handed swings to train the elbow bend. The following/back arm has to bend at the elbow very naturally and you have to train it. If you don’t bend the elbow and make it natural, your swing will suffer.

    Another routine drill is the pistol grip drill.
    Your lower hand should only be gripping hard with the middle fingers, not the lower thumb and index.

    Grip normal, then make a pistol/gun with your index and thumb. Swing normal and practice. This trains your grip to not use the wrong fingers to grip that may twist or move your club face.

    Ben hogans books is a must.

  5. Yeah what the..? Why you trying to compare to literally the greatest of all time? Probably a good drill for people with unreal eye hand coordination. If you are high to mid handicap don’t worry about what tiger is doing. If you are low handicap then may be useful to feel the true feel of the club face and lead hand through the strike zone. Tiger just be showing off with ball striking skills which I would too all the time if I was him.

  6. HeuristicEnigma

    I practice one handed putting both hands and then two hands on the putter. Chipping never have tried, but this to me would help with feeling comfortable and confident just walk up and hit.

  7. brucekeller

    One reason Tiger got super into it was because of an injury and left handed chipping was basically all he could do for months. I like doing the left handed chip, but for me, right handed chipping is more difficult and my left hand tends to try and take over (I am left handed / left eye dominant) so I usually do that instead to help balance things out.

  8. buster_rhino

    I remember watching a Moe Norman video of him talking about how it’s all about the left hand and that the right hand is just along for the ride. This kind of drill probably helps develop on that idea.

  9. ComicBooks_

    He’s finding his comfortable and regular impact point for his hands, I like to do this with two hands because I’m not a + handicap. lol.

    I stopped taking full practice swings two years ago, now my “practice” swings are about the same swing as seen here. I’m focused on where my hands, arms and body need to be at impact. I can’t make the whole swing perfect. Just focusing on the part that matters most

  10. According_Rhubarb313

    I prefer doing it with yer dominant hand cause that’s the one that’s going to take over when it comes down to it, so if yer right handed do it most with the right hand and train it , then do the off hand half as much .

  11. geekDEAKiN

    He’s not even looking…. and they’re landing in the same area.

  12. Effective_Impossible

    I’m a +2 mid-season since college (class of 07), play 20 rounds a year tops, and use this to warm up frequently, coupled with 2 handed half swings for 3-6 balls. Great way to work on contact, loosen up before taking big swings, and to get rid of the workout balls in the basket

  13. birkenstockandsocks

    I’m hitting all drivers for $15 buckets

  14. hockeynoticehockey

    When I putt one handed to save my triple bogey it always goes in.

  15. canadianclassic11

    Me when I’m tired but don’t want someone taking the rest of my range balls for free

  16. Big-Boysenberry9564

    Feel the ground. Feel the lead hand. Feel the club face. I may have intentionally spilled a few balls at the range and knocked them like this to my bay.

  17. Goonraker

    if im getting clean shots out of the bunker one handed it means my short game is dialed 

  18. Samman258

    No this is something that butch Harmon forced Tiger to practice because he used to flip the club a ton at impact to square the face… all because we was trying to “shallow” like everyone is now.

    It’s an awesome drill because you are essentially forced to keep the face square and club in front of your body throughout the swing to even have a chance at hitting the ball

  19. CrazyVaclavsPOA

    When they call my group to the first tee and I have half a bucket left…

  20. mandiniho

    I’d just make a whole lotta holes in the ground trying to do this.

  21. f0sterchild15

    We should normalize not trying to every little thing pros do.

  22. stopsucking

    It looks like he’s just getting rid of the bad balls with scuffs and cuts in them. Oh wait, they’re all brand new Bridgestones

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