Golf Tips

Updated – downswing struggles

Apologize for another post, couldn’t figure out how to edit original and add new video.

I appreciate everyone’s insight and advice. Am I heading in the right direction after making adjustments? I added a front angle view as well.

Green shirt is original video
Thank you!

by LateRespond7937


  1. BrockForsey

    You have an OTT move because your clubface is open at the top of the backswing. So that’s the main issue.

    There’s another significant fault. From the face on view you can see that your hips sway off the ball late in the backswing. This makes it almost impossible to be consistent because you need to move that mass back to your lead side and the downswing takes like 0.2 seconds. So you don’t have enough time with this late hip sway.

    I would work on the backswing turn first. You have to put something right up against your right hip and miss it the entire backswing turn. For you it’s probably better to gap away from that object.

    For your open clubface, I would first look at your grip. The left hand grip looks too much in the palm to me. Get it more in your fingers.

    I would start with those 2 things. It’s hard to get the clubface square with a weak grip. And it’s really hard to have consistent contact with a late backswing hip sway.

    Get those 2 things in order and other things will be much easier to correct down the line.

    Let me know if you’d be interested in my help!

  2. Realistic-Might4985

    Ok, you have a cast and a slide from this angle. You also have a bit of over the top. On the way back try to keep the clubhead even with or outside your hands, you are pulling just a bit inside. To start the downswing rotate the left hip back while letting your hands drop straight down. When the hands reach waist high on the way back to the ball turn the knuckles of the left hand down to the ground, think motorcycle throttle in reverse. Try to maintain your spine angle thru impact and have the right shoulder go under your chin.

    Use this as a reference video. This is Sung Hyun Park. She has one of the best swings in golf.

  3. Mindless_Victory

    Work on the takeaway. You’re rolling it open to start. And letting your hands get way behind your upper body (left arm across your chest). From there they have to catch up at impact by casting and you lose all forward shaft lean at impact. Maintain a triangle with you upper body, hands in front of sternum for as long as possible

  4. heliumointment

    honestly not far off. there’s a lot of good here.

    not sure where you started off but the main reason you’re coming from the outside is because you’re releasing the club too early:


    you’re also a little flat in your takeaway (club below your shoulder line, arms strapped across your chest). try to keep your chest/arm structure throughout—it will help you sync up.

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