Golf Tips

Low Draws to Pull Hooks

Any advise? I am hitting low draws, snap hooks or pull hooks that fall out of the air

by Easy_Primary_615


  1. Hit the little ball before the big one.

  2. Fly_on_the_waII

    Hard to tell from the camera angle but Looks like your shoulders are lined up to hit down the right but your feet/hips are setup to hit toward the left

  3. SeeDub23

    Do not follow your club back- keep your eye on the ball until you hit it.

  4. dcbluestar

    I’m no expert, so take this with a grain of salt, but at the top of your backswing it looks like you slightly move your hands like you’re coming over the top. It’s very subtle though.

  5. _Poppagiorgio_

    That’s a pose George W would be proud of.

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