Golf Tips

I need serious help

I played alot for years as a kid and I am just getting back into it because I actually have the funds. Is this driver too long for me? Also I am slicing my drives to the left almost every time. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!

by No_Dependent5888


  1. heliumointment

    you should get a golf lesson. lots of issues here—probably can’t all be addressed in a reddit thread. if you have the funds, now’s the time. good luck!

  2. MasterpieceMain8252

    Don’t hit with driver until u get irons figured out

  3. Just_somebody_onhere

    The best investment you are going to make is a couple of lessons.

    They are going to tell you straight away to stop standing straight up in that backswing, among a few other things…

  4. Over-Policy-5636

    5 buckets of balls amount to a lesson at my range

  5. normstorm

    yeah, definitely take a few lessons. youll thank yourself later. if you continue playing without lessons, this swing will slowly engrain itself, making your swing faults very difficult to fix. the earlier you get lessons in golf, the easier it is to tackle your swing faults.

  6. Fuzzy-Raspberry-8070

    Keep elbows together on downswing and always TURN thru 🙂

  7. riscut4theBiscut

    If you avoid lessons and try for the reddit fix. You will not improve. I say this with love, but everything about your swing is wrong. You seem athletic and if you can listen and do what a coach tells you, you will improve fast. You may get a few good tips on reddit BUT we aren’t there to correct you when you try to implement internet advice(and inevitably do it wrong) and all you will do is form different bad habits that get further ingrained and become even more difficult to fix.

  8. Agreed with others. Invest in some professional instruction. And purchase Ben Hogan’s Five Lessons. You can buy on Amazon for like $10 bucks. Get your grip, posture, and set up in good places before making any major changes to your swing. It all starts with great fundamentals.

  9. I would advise on getting a lesson with a pro/instructor. Just an introductory lesson is like an hour and can run 100 up. A lot of times they will start you with shorter clubs and practice the motion and feel before graduating to the driver.

  10. SourdoughBoomer

    I have a similar swing in that it’s quite steep. It’s perfectly fine for irons as it promotes a strong downward trajectory but for driver it is no good.

    With driver you need to get the driver in a motion that goes around your body more than up – at least it should feel like that anyway. Given your swing this should help your thought process like it does me.

  11. RollingTZ

    Work on rotating your shoulders around your core, i.e. right shoulder down, left shoulder up, allow the club to lead the rotation. Top of the back swing you should appear to have a palm up on trail hand and palm down on lead hand. Rotate through whereas hands are face to face at impact of ball.

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