Young golfer Jeffrey Guan hit in the face is in the hands of specialist: A player used a fairway wood about 30 yards behind where Guan stood.

Young golfer Jeffrey Guan hit in the face is in the hands of specialist: A player used a fairway wood about 30 yards behind where Guan stood.

by LordFUHard


  1. HogansBridge

    I’ve gone to a few practice rounds in the states and it always amazed me how some guys would walk in front of the amateur player that was in the middle of hitting their shots. Kisner did it a lot when I saw him.

  2. jshultz5259

    I don’t care if you’re pro or just learning, I’m gonna try my best to stay behind you.

  3. flaginorout

    An eye patch would be good branding for a pro.

  4. LordFUHard

    Of all my golf clubs, it is woods the only ones that worry me any time the group ahead is on the fairway. Wood ball flights are much faster than those of iron similar in number as they pack extra punch and their flying balls are hard to escape if you find yourself in the landing area. Poor guy.

  5. surfcitypunk

    Now you know why Tiger Woods rarely played Po Am’s.

  6. mildlysceptical22

    That poor guy. I have what I call ‘the cone of danger’ I will not enter when someone else is hitting a golf ball. Hosel rockets are real, and I know they can happen to the best of us. Ask Scottie Scheffler.

  7. TheKingInTheNorth

    30 yards down the hole is such a dangerous place to be. Feel absolutely awful for the kid and hope he recovers obviously. Also feel terrible for whoever hit him, because it’s as much the victim’s mistake here as it is the amateur who hit him. And one of them probably is the more likely to have known better.

  8. myrobotoverlord

    My wife has a scar from a family friend who thought it would be funny. It wasn’t

  9. Two_and_Fifty

    That sucks for everyone involved. Can only imagine how that guy feels.

  10. fanglazy

    Only time I’ve stood in front of a tee box, i was about 20 yards up and way off to the left and the guy duck hooked a driver. Zipped a couple inches past my head at an ungodly pace.

    My buddy and I figured I would have least ended up with some pretty serious brain damage.

  11. Caboose_Juice

    my mate grew up playing with Guan. apparently the guy who hit him used a three wood and yelled “fore”, Jeffrey turned around and that’s when it hit his face

    hope he can make a full recovery, he’s a really promising player at the moment.

  12. SomeSamples

    This is my biggest fear when golfing. The course I frequent has trees as barriers along the fairways. But over the years the trees have been dying and they have been taking the dead trees out and not replanting. At some point in the not too distant future there won’t be anything between fairways. And many fairways run in opposite directions right next to one another. But yeah, if you are playing with others stay behind them when they are hitting or get so far away that you can see the ball coming.

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