Young new golfer and this is my first setup. What do you guys think about the bag and head covers? Does it give grandpa vibes?

I'm new to golf, and I've spent the last few months building my first setup. All garage sale and thrift shop finds. The bag is from 1979 but still in great condition and with matching head covers. I think it looks pretty slick, and don't really care what other people on the course think, but my buddies are always roasting me calling me grandpa (I'm 28). So I'm curious, if you saw a younger dude with this setup, what would be your first thoughts?

Doesn't help that I'm rocking all white footjoys from the 90s but they're too comfortable.

by puddinface808


  1. 0_SomethingStupid

    old bag with old clubs no one in their right mind would use? guy is a hack.

    old bag with new clubs or an old bag with some old classic blades (think like old tour pro type blades that people collect)? Thats a single digit capper or better

  2. Mynametakin

    Why do people care what their “setup” looks like? Are they trying to attract attention or compliments? Only thing real golfers care about is how good you play, even if it’s with a shovel set.

  3. secret_alpaca

    I think it’s classy.

    Extra points if your attire matches and looks like it’s from the same era.

  4. SenhorSus

    Looks like your home would smell of rich mahogany

  5. Seekthetruth85

    That looks like a fine set up to me. You have to dress the part if you want to show off such rare and prestigious golf equipment.

    You either caddy shack it or wife beater, mullet, and pit vipers.

  6. JBNothingWrong

    Your set up would include what clubs and we can’t see what clubs you have. Bag is dope though, probably sucks to carry

  7. BobWheelerJr

    It definitely gives “I have a seersucker suit and drink my bourbon neat from a Baccarat glass” vibes… and since all those things describe me, I strongly approve.

  8. gmmiller1234

    I would pay you for this bag. Mates are jealous

  9. TexasLorax

    I’m your age and think it’s sick as hell. Way cooler than most modern bags. What it’s missing are some modern features that newer bags have that can help with quality of life like dual shoulder straps, a glove holder, and insulated and/or magnetic pocket, etc.

  10. mustang19671967

    Don’t like the bag but that is my view

  11. came4what

    I love it. Currently looking for a bag sort of like this.

  12. TheBourbonCat

    Definitively grandpa vibes, but what matters most is if YOU like it. Each person makes their own setup as if it were their own little project to show off. Now you go on and rock that grandpa setup like a rockstar!

  13. the_starship

    Thought about getting an older bag, but the new tech in bags makes a world of difference. Cooler, enough room for shoes and a spot for my keys. Plus the comfy straps and stand. I do have an ancient wood and putter tho.

  14. ComicBooks_

    You’re either a mid single digit or you’ve played twice in your life. No in between

  15. commitpushdrink

    That bag and those head covers are fucking sick

  16. JodiS1111

    You’re gonna be just fine. Now get out there and play 36 as often as possible 😉

  17. Progolferwannabe

    I’d think this is pretty cool. Genuinely love the retro vibe. And the white footjoys are the perfect way to complete the ensemble. Might I suggest that you wear a cardigan in the cooler weather?

  18. AllThingsNoice

    I would assume you’re a certified stick.

  19. Dope as hell (btw is that Mr Meeseeks?). My first thought is this dude is either breaking 80 or can’t break 120.

    Realistically that bag would be a bitch for walking, but otherwise perfectly fine.

  20. Ieatbunnies12

    Dude, your setup is awesome. I rock an old leather bag and a couple decades-old blades. Even if you upgrade in the future, keep the bag.

  21. callmeishmael_again

    I’ve got a set of old t-zoids in a 30 year old travel bag that I leave in storage in a city I work regularly for occasional play. Inspires mockery half the time, fear the other half.

  22. FranticGolf

    Holy butter knife Batman. DO NOT judge yourself when you hit those sticks. Those are some VERY unforgiving golf clubs. They will be good for knocking it around for a bit but if you get serious you will need to get some cavity back irons.

  23. discokilledfunk

    Looks great! If the bag and covers are leather add some leather conditioner like Lexol and maybe some grease for the zippers.

  24. Kingulfet

    Great vibes. I would add a classic knit Pom-Pom headcover for the driver, then it would be a perfect setup!

  25. KodamaPro

    I do t care what people use or have. As long as I see them having fun, smiling and just genuine giving off positive vibes and energy that’s all that matters, and that’s the only thing that should happen.

    If any of my friends get mad, smash clubs or razz others then I don’t consider them a friend, or a golfing partner

  26. theBigDog131313

    Make sure you get the old roll top white Footjoy socks to go with the shoes

  27. iamthecheesethatsbig

    An old bag is usually just a no go. However, I love how classic and clean this thing looks. If you can maintain it and get some clothes that match, that is some serious swagger out there. I say keep it, you can always get another bag and break this bad boy out once in a while!

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