My dads home driving range.

White stakes are marked from 100 up to 200.
The fence straight away is 225. The cedar back left is 275.

Very jealous of his setup. He mows it weekly. He has two shag bags that he uses to pick it a couple times a week.

I promise you there is not a driving range in the state of Kansas with a better view than when hitting balls here in the mornings.

by SwedishJayhawk


  1. Ok-Cake4102

    This is something similar to what I hope to have someday.

  2. DimiDrake

    Nice! Well done, your dad. When you have the acreage, might as well use it for what you love doing.

  3. BradleyPutters

    If he buys a uv black light flashlight, he can go out at night and find the balls really easily. Even if they’re hidden under the grass, the tiniest white part will light up like you’re at a rave.

  4. Themoosemingled

    My parents lived on a hill backing onto a ravine.
    Their backyard was essentially an elevated tee to a green on the other side of the river. Back in school I’d steal range balls and go back there and hit my pitching wedge so much I got unconscious with it.
    110 on the dot. Front or back of my stance.
    They also had a big open carpeted basement and I used the Pelz putters bible to get really Fucking good.
    Then got married and moved downtown.
    You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.

  5. RockChalk19

    That’s awesome, where at in Kansas out of curiosity? Just general area is fine if you’re comfortable, if not I totally understand. Just don’t see a lot of Kansas on this sub haha

  6. mustang19671967

    Would it be possible to make a couple holes instead of driving range

  7. Pretend-Reality5431

    Range of Dreams, if you build it they will come.

  8. Pretend-Reality5431

    I really want to see your dad’s swing now.

  9. BrettHullsBurner

    All that grass and effort, and he’s still hitting off a mat? Pretty sick though regardless. Adding in a small turf green at the very back and at like 130yds would be the dream. (Turf, because I would imagine real grass would be way too much of a hassle with upkeep).

  10. FranticGolf

    Living the dream. I too had my own makeshift range years ago. Wish I had been smart enough to do something like this (it was the 80s though).

  11. buffalo171

    Does he collect the balls that are hit, or just buys more used balls from the scuba guy?

  12. NYC_Local_legend

    How does the person mow that with all those balls about there. Obviously he can’t collect every ball

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