What on earth did I just buy?

Picked up this set of Taco Bell golf clubs today. Couldn’t just let them pass by. Not finding much/any info about them. Anyone have any idea what I just bought?

by poopscoopboogiee


  1. Unfiltered_America

    I definitely want to hit the taco bell clubs. How’d you get these? How much did you pay?

  2. expanse22

    That’s pretty sweet they came with a 2 iron

  3. Joey Coldcuts gonna try to steal these from you

  4. Bigdogggggggggg

    I’m curious the series of events that led to these existing

  5. MacGruuber

    I guess the Bullet part is after you eat at Taco Bell.

  6. William_Ropes33

    When you hit this real pure they make the Taco Bell bell sound

  7. Chipped-Beef

    You’ll need to flush after hitting these irons.

  8. tjibbs11

    Imagine they make the bell sound every time you hit them.

  9. damagement

    I have a Bullet bag from the nineties. How much you going to pay for it?

  10. Dry-Leadership2484

    Either these are fake or these were made by the founder himself for his personal set as it’s rumored he liked golf in general and his original idea was mini putt courses.

  11. TheRealVanWilder

    I played bullets for years and they were solid!

  12. IMSHARP7

    I need new lefty clubs-! Longer driver @46.5″ anyone recommendations?? I’m 6-4″ kills my back leaning over to hit irons etc.

  13. kwakracer

    Last minute pre-round poops just got funner

  14. I_Flick_Boogers

    Any good shot: “That was a Baja Blast!”

  15. goldenlemur

    For the discerning golfer with explosive diarrhea.

  16. itsCrisp

    These are actually fucking sick with the variable CG locations

  17. cuddysnark

    Those resemble the Nike pro combos I used to have.

  18. OceanicLemur

    I’d name each club after a menu item and only refer to it as that. Can’t imagine a better feeling than flushing a shot with your Crunchwrap Supreme (5 iron). Also the wedges are now mild / hot / fire

  19. You use those to imprint the wax seal when sending a letter to corporate. The owner of those gets free tacos and toilet paper for life…

  20. UnskilledLaborer812

    Now you’re thinking outside the bun.

    These are so beautiful. Two of my loves, golf and Taco Bell, rolled into one.

  21. CranMan666

    Do you call them by the number of iron or the special they represent

    Is it a 6 iron or a 2 chalupa meal ?

  22. BenchBallBet

    They were gifts to franchise owners. There’s a bag that goes with it to complete the set.

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