Golf Tips

New to golf, and need help with my swing, think my problem is my hips

New to golf, and need help with my swing, think my problem is my hips

by golfer8337


  1. Learning to address the ball the same way everytime will help your consistency. Everything starts at the set up including your grip.

  2. D-Train0000

    Dude. As a teacher, not one swing adjustment will be made until you can swing with balance. If you can’t hit it decently solid any swing issue is pointless. There’s an order to fixing the swing.

    Swing plane
    Timing of the release and swing

    Your asking to help out with #4 and you need work on #1 and 2

    And please stop hitting balls in the field at your school. It’s technically illegal. Go to a driving range please.

  3. jeffchris7

    As a new golfer, you have a really relaxed swing style. Keep that mentality. The rest is hip turning and shoulder alignment and swinging through the ball as a practice. Hold your finish. You collapse everything after you strike the ball.

    Remember. Gold isn’t a sport. It’s an obsession.

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