54 year old man gets beat for calling man’s wife the c word after confronting them for passing them at the turn.

This is at a local course I play often

by Tmace2121


  1. LAzeehustle1337

    Amazing what little it takes to just let something go, and what little it takes to set someone off. 54 yr old probably had that lesson a long time coming, that day just happened to be the day. Damn

  2. At0ms2019

    Probably the type of guy that takes 20 minutes at the turn.

  3. hanselton

    If you stop at the turn, that’s all but an official invite to get jumped in line. The sense of entitlement is wild.

  4. LurkyMcLurkface123

    >Police were told by medical staff at the hospital that he suffered seven broken ribs, a punctured lung and a broken piece of vertebrae in his back as a result of the assault.

    I have no issue with putting foot to ass for someone insulting your wife that aggressively, but maybe take 10-12% off the top there bud. Holy shit he could have killed him.

    I’d like to think that’s the last time the 54 year old would run his mouth but I’m guessing it won’t be. Beat his ass like a redheaded step child god damn.

  5. dressed2kill75

    The dude who beat him up is looking at 16 yrs in prison. Damn.

  6. owordmani

    lol caught a felony charge and might go to fucking prison because you can’t handle someone calling your wife a certain word

  7. GuyOnTheMike

    It’s one thing if the dude who’s 20 years younger would’ve punched the man *once* for calling his wife that, but for punching him repeatedly and body-slamming the other guy…yeah, sorry dude, but you’re going to jail

  8. beeej517

    Both sides were shitty here. Older guys was a huge dick, but you don’t get to hospitalize someone just because they called you some bad words

  9. MisterGregory

    Right or wrong, that old fella probably won’t call anyone else a cunt for the rest of his life.

  10. GarageJitsu

    Call my wife whatever words you want I ain’t taking a felony assault charge over words

  11. this_my_sportsreddit

    Multiple broken ribs, broken vertebrae, punctured lung. Dude is probably looking at 8-10 years in prison. Both of these guys could’ve de-escalated the situation but the guy giving the beating is definitely going to come out the worse of the two. What a stupid way to ruin your life.

  12. anthrofighter

    what i don’t understand is how you can chastise someone on golf etiquette which is built on western European gentlemen’s behavior based on honor and then go ahead and insult someone’s wife honor with such un-gentleman like words.

  13. Flashy_War2097

    Let this be a lesson, talk crazy to people at your own risk. You never know how far they will take it. Mind your own business, keep quiet and smile.

  14. Jayu-Rider

    Until today I thought it was a universal truth that if you took a break at the turn you just fall in at a natural spot….?

  15. TopTransportation248

    One or two good shots to the face is enough….picking somebody up and slamming them to the ground could easily kill them

  16. Mantis_Toboggan_M_D_

    The guy who was assaulted was an asshole. The who did the assaulting was a bigger asshole and a danger to society

  17. BasicYesterday9349

    The younger guy went way overboard here. But I have a feeling the older guy likes to shoot his mouth off and this may have been his first time someone did something about it.

  18. DesperatePool1700

    Damn, older guy isn’t a boomer. How does that work?

  19. Wandering_Tuor

    Everyone so violent over some words. Damn

  20. Lambsenglish

    Yeah you can’t pull Wrestlemania moves on Boomers and not get jail time.

  21. Magenta_Mountain_

    old guy needed a will smith style slap maybe one punch to the mouth but younger guy went too far. Old guy was in the wrong for the turn issue and verbally assaulting a female.

  22. Lannisters-4-life

    They should give the old guy a commemorative bench with a plaque at the turn where you can sit and wait for a group to play through.

  23. dmmegoosepics

    That old guy F’ed around and found out.

  24. Dr_Gr33nthmb

    A little bit of me smiles after reading this. I bet that guy watches who he mouthes off to next! Sometimes people need a reminder there is a bigger badder dude alive, and this was a good example.

  25. DanDamage12

    Your honor I’d like to invoke the “he fucked around and found out clause”

  26. crunchyfrogs

    Bet that old guy learned some manners. 

  27. GMPnerd213

    Everything after the first punch was obviously unnecessary but I think the 54 year old dude learn a hard lesson about real “etiquette” regardless of the younger dude going to jail or not. Probably ended his golf career at this point given how badly he was beaten 

  28. jjcyclone

    At least the assailant wore a proper golf attire as pictured in his booking photo??

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