Oh, man. That was so much easier than putting. I should just try to get the ball in one shot every time

“Oh, man. That was so much easier than putting. I should just try to get the ball in one shot every time”

by outofpeaceofmind


  1. outofpeaceofmind

    Last hole of my local course par 3 course. Was playing two balls the whole round, 1st ball bladed it, sped passed the green. 2nd ball, flew high, left side landed short and started rolling toward the hole curving to the right, didn’t have time to process it was going toward the hole when I heard “clunk” and didn’t see the ball roll passed the hole. Look around, not a single person in sight. Now I’m hanging onto a waste Noodle ball I found some time ago.


    I’m sure everyone is going to be so nice and congratulatory for this achievement

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