Golf Tips

First time playing golf… tips appreciated

I am just happy the ball went far tbh I have no idea what I am doing

by abofilios


  1. tlancaster222

    Well at least you’re playing the forward tees. Wish more people would swallow their pride and do the same

  2. Spillsy68

    First time actually looks decent. Get lessons, watch videos on grip, takeaway, breaking wrists, upper body rotation and quiet legs, inside to out swing, squaring the club face.

    I watch a lot of videos, it helped me understand the biometrics and why I push the ball, slice, hook or pull. Why I might top it or catch it fat.

    I had lessons, then I had more lessons. For 5 years I have lessons over the winter (we live in the mountains). Tiger Woods literally had a coach giving him lessons every day. So I figured if it’s good enough for him then it’s good for me.

    I’m a 12 handicapper. I just started playing 2 times a week this summer for the first time. I already spoke to my club pro to get lessons through the winter. Regular sub 80 rounds is my goal.

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