Golf Tips

Beginner golfer, looking for critique of swing.

Title is self explanatory but I am trying to understand what I can do better to improve my driver swing. Thank you! This swing can get me about 125 yards straight ahead (sometimes).

by ar-md88


  1. 4redditobly

    Keep your left arm straight and push your hands away from your body in the backswing,

  2. Love it, dont change a thing!! Jk. Just ribbin ya.

    Look up a couple videos on arm swing illusion, shallowing the ball, and…basically everything.

    Firts off tho that left arm NEVER bends, not even a little.
    Keep it dead straight and hold the club like you would pound your first on a table, if that makes sense.

    Yeah…start there.

  3. just_killing_time23

    take a few lessons early, it will really help. ALso check your grip

  4. mildlysceptical22

    The driver, being the longest and lightest club in the bag, is the hardest to hit.

    New golfers should not start swinging the driver until they have the the basic parts of the swing correct.

    Learning the correct grip, stance, posture, takeaway, backswing, downswing, impact position, release, follow through, and finish is better done with a 6 or 7 iron.

    Once the new golfer has learned those parts of the swing correctly, then they can start to use longer (and shorter) clubs.

    The absolute best thing you could do would be taking lessons from a PGA professional. You’re teaching yourself a bad swing which is what 90% of all new golfers do.
    Find some beginner group lessons somewhere and learn the proper basics of the swing. It will save you time and money. Good luck!

  5. Sensitive-Disk-9389

    The good: lower body setup with hips tilted toward the ball and feet slightly open.

    The bad: grip is weak. Rotate your hands a quarter turn to the right. This will help put your wrist angle in a better position in the downswing and add some power.

    Takeaway needs work- left arm straight and pay attention to the club face as you turn back. Make a full shoulder turn and it’s ok if your right arm moves a little away from the body.

    Downswing looks ok. Remember to swing a little out to right field. Driver you want to hit on the upswing so you can move it forward in your stance, tee it higher, or look 3-4 inches behind the ball when you swing. Any of these ideas will help. GL!

  6. Reaper_1492

    Just time and practice.

    For me, it would be learning to turn and use your body in the swing. Right now you are using your arms almost extensively. Going to get more power and consistency if you make it a full body movement.

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